How do you care for Cornus alba?
How do you care for Cornus alba?
- Choose a full sun to partial shade position.
- If the soil is heavy or is not free draining add lots of well rotted compost to the area and dig it in well.
- It can be planted all year long if the soil is not frozen and you can water well when conditions are dry.
Is Cornus alba Elegantissima Evergreen?
A superb bushy dense, winter flowering evergreen with dark green leaves.
Where do I plant Cornus alba Sibirica?
Position in border
- Sun exposure: Dappled shade, full sun, partial shade.
- Hardiness: Hardy.
- Soil type: Acidic / boggy / chalky / alkaline / clay / heavy / moist / well drained / light / sandy.
How do you prune Cornus in Alba Elegantissima?
For the best show of red stems in autumn, cut them back hard each March. It’s tolerant of a wide range of soil types, and produces the brightest winter bark when planted in full sun. It looks fantastic when planted with evergreen shrubs and among spring flowers.
How quickly does Cornus alba grow?
Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’ (Siberian dogwood) will reach a height of 2.5m and a spread of 2.5m after 5-10 years.
What can you plant with Cornus Elegantissima?
Cornus alba Elegantissima looks fantastic when planted with evergreen shrubs and among spring flowers. However, I use it often as a specimen in a herbaceous scheme with a geranium, like Patricia, snaking its way through the summer foliage.
How do you plant Cornus in Alba Elegantissima?
Plant Dogwood into garden borders in any moist, well drained garden soil, in full shade or part shade. Cornus is a very useful shrub, as it can also tolerate damp soils or an exposed position. To encourage plenty of colourful stems, Dogwood will need regular pollarding in early spring.
When should you cut back Cornus?
All you have to do to keep your plants producing lots of new stems with their rich colours is to hard prune them – or coppice – them every year from the end of their first year. After planting, leave them be and let them establish for a summer. After that, hard prune them every March.
What does dogwood look like in winter?
Some trees have scarlet-red berries that grow on them and ripen. In addition to this, the leaves turn to red or deep crimson-purple. Then in the winter, like all trees, the leaves drop. The beauty of the trees remains, however, as its bark looks scale-like and its horizontal branches look graceful.
How far away from the house should you plant a dogwood tree?
15 feet
Medium-sized trees can be planted 15 feet from the house and generally 35 or more feet apart. Small trees, such as the flowering dogwood, may be planted as close as 6 feet from the house and about 20 feet apart.