How do you calculate Academic Performance Index?
How do you calculate Academic Performance Index?
Calculating the API The Academic Performance Index assigns one number to a school on a scale of 200 to 1,000, with a score of at least 800 as the goal. The first step in calculating the API is to divide a school’s individual student scores in each subject into five performance bands.
What is an SPI in education?
The Subject Progress Index (SPI) has been introduced into Sisra Analytics Reports for schools involved in KS4 Data Collaborations (from 2018 onwards). The SPI directly indicates how a pupil, class, subject or any group of pupils has performed compared with pupils in the same subject with the same KS2 prior.
What are performance measures in education?
Performance measures are used to quantitatively assess the implementation and outcomes of educational systems. When properly defined, they can provide useful information on how well schools and programs are performing and whether educators are meeting their instructional goals.
What is API in UGC?
What is a high API score?
A numeric API score ranges from a low of 200 to a high of 1000. The interim statewide API performance target for all schools is 800. A school’s growth is measured by how well it is moving toward or past that goal.
What is EAP grade on Sisra?
EAP stands for Expected Attainment Pathway and is the Life after Levels solution within Sisra Analytics.
What is API score as per UGC?
Brief Explanation: Based on the teacher’s self-assessment, API scores are proposed for (a) teaching related activities; (b) domain knowledge; (c) participation in examination and evaluation; (d) contribution to innovative teaching, new courses etc. The minimum API score required by teachers from this category is 75.
What is educational benchmark data?
Benchmark data reports are intended to scaffold the implementation of the Core Curriculum by providing interim information to teachers, students, parents, and administrators on student performance during each 6-week Benchmark cycle with information about student strengths and weaknesses on material that is taught …