How do you become a mounted police officer in NSW?

What is required to become a NSW Mounted Police officer? Applicants must complete 2-3 years within General duties before applying to complete the NSWMP Assessment/Secondment testing. We hold two per year – in May and November for 7 days. You must have a medical test done and on the first day a physical test.

Where are the NSW Mounted Police based?

The NSW Mounted Police Unit is the oldest continuous mounted group in the world….New South Wales Mounted Police.

New South Wales Mounted Police Unit
Country Australia
Agency New South Wales Police Force
Type Mounted police
Headquarters Redfern

How long is mounted police training?

between 6 months and two years
Behind the Scenes in the Mounted Police… A fully trained, consistent and reliable Police horse can take between 6 months and two years to train. Part of the training is ‘nuisance training’, this consists of: people banging on drums, waving flags, shouting and screaming, throwing tennis balls at the horse and riders.

How long does it take to train a police horse?

A fully trained, consistent and reliable Police horse can take between 6 months and two years to train.

How much does a NSW detective earn?

The typical NSW Police Force Detective salary is $117,000 per year. Detective salaries at NSW Police Force can range from $98,000 – $130,000 per year. This estimate is based upon 13 NSW Police Force Detective salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods.

How tall does a police horse have to be?

Lexington, at 16 hands high, or 5ft 3ins at his withers (the high point just before the neck), is considered small for a police horse. Most are around 17hh or more, and tower above me. Morning stable duties are followed by breakfast and a briefing – details of the route they must take and who to look out for.

What’s the Australian version of Swat?

Specialist Response Group
The Specialist Response Group (SRG) is a highly trained police unit of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) consisting of a range of teams capable of deploying at short notice in order to undertake a variety of specialist policing tasks.

Is there an Australian Swat?

The SRG is the AFP’s highly trained operationally skilled specialist policing capability. The SRG provides the AFP with a professional, flexible and dynamic capability across three distinct operational areas.

Is there an Australian FBI?

ASIO is compared to the American FBI and the British MI5. ASIO is part of the Australian Intelligence Community. ASIO has a wide range of surveillance powers to collect human and signals intelligence.

What is the Mounted Police Training Academy?

The Mounted Police Training Academy is the only accredited mounted police school in the nation. We are a satellite school of the University of Lousiville and our students receive continuing education credits through the Southern Police Institute at the University of Louisville.

What special operations do the NSW Mounted Police do?

The Mounted Police are available to assist General Duties Police on “Special Operations, in the City of Sydney, Suburban areas and Country areas of NSW. These operations consist of :- Crowd Control & Traffic Control, at major functions or events (i.e. New Years Eve Celebration, Festivals, Carnivals, major sporting events, etc.).

Are the Mounted Police available to assist General Duties police?

The Mounted Police are available to assist General Duties Police on “Special Operations, in the City of Sydney, Suburban areas and Country areas of NSW. These operations consist of :-

Are there still mounted police in New South Wales?

Today, the Mounted Section is the only remaining Police Station in New South Wales continuing Mounted Police, which is the oldest continuous Mounted Police Unit in the world. The Officer in Charge prefers to select unbroken horses, all geldings, bay in colour, and showing some thoroughbred qualities.