How do you become a lister on KKH?

The goal of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is to get to the A-list. You can do this by getting as many fans as possible, getting attention from Starnews, and dating. You can click the Feed icon in the menu to review Trend Style and compare your fame against other celebrities in the Top Stars List.

How many hearts do you need to have a baby in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood?

You do not need to be married in order to have a baby. 12,000 relationship points. After having your little bundle of joy, Ray Powers and Kim Kardashian will post their congratulations on your feed, earning you fans. The amount of fans you will earn depends on your ranking in the game.

How do you become a D list celebrity?

To become a D-List celebrity, you need to gain fans….There are three ways you can gain fans in the game:

  1. Completing goals;
  2. Completing projects, photo shoots and appearances;
  3. Going on dates with romantic contacts.

Can you end up with Cassio in KKH?

You cannot date Cassio unfortunately. He’ll flirt with you in the game but it won’t give you an option to date him or Raul.

Can you date Julio in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood?

You can choose to accompany him or tell him off. If you choose to go upstairs with him, it’s implied that you’ll have an affair. If you’re already in a relationship, it will be unaffected by the affair. Regardless of your choice, the goal will be finished after your conversation.

Can you date Cassio on KKH?

What is the highest level of dating in Kim Kardashian Hollywood?

Relationship Levels

Level Status Rewards
0-199 More than Friends 100 3 1
200-499 Boyfriend/Girlfriend 500 10 5
500-999 Soulmate 1000 25 7
1000-1999 Husband/Wife 1500 50 1

Is Kim Kardashian Hollywood better than keeping up with the Kardashian?

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood was released back in 2014 by Glu Mobile. It has a rating of 4.6/5 on iTunes which is actually higher than Keeping Up with the Kardashian’s score on IMDb!

How do I refill my energy in Kim Kardashian Hollywood?

Go to your clock and set the time forward by half an hour to an hour. When you open Kim Kardashian: Hollywood again up, your energy should be refilled! If u consider urself patient, download the Kim Kardashian Hollywood app and try waiting for ur energy to refill

How do I change the time on Kim Kardashian Hollywood?

Turn off automatic date and time. Go to your clock and set the time forward by half an hour to an hour. When you open Kim Kardashian: Hollywood again up, your energy should be refilled!