How do you beat question 18 on the impossible quiz 2?

Question 18 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks “What is Spider-Man’s favourite food?”. The possible options are “Cheese”, “Crab sticks”, “Fly sandwiches” and “Horse”. The answer is simply “Fly sandwiches”, being a combination of spider food (flies) and human food (sandwiches).

What is the answer to question 19 in the impossible quiz?

To the left is an easel with an unpainted picture of a character named “Boggy”. To solve this question, you must colour the picture following the order of the letters on its name: the “B” stands for blue, the “O” stands for orange, the “G” stands for green, and the “Y” stands for yellow.

What is the answer to the impossible quiz number?

42nd 42
The correct answer is the 42nd 42. It’s the second 42 in the bottom row. Click it to proceed. This question is in reference to Douglas Adams’ book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”.

What is number 18 on the impossible quiz?

the hammer
It might look confusing at first, but simply enough, the answer to this question is the hammer. It’s referencing the song “U Can’t Touch This” by American rap icon MC Hammer, which included the well-known lyrics, “Stop… Hammer Time!”.

How do you do number 18 on the impossible quiz?

If you heard M.C Hammer’s song “Can’t touch this”, this should be a doddle. In the song he says “Stop, hammer time!”, so the answer would be to click the hammer.

How do you beat level 18 on the impossible quiz?

It might look confusing at first, but simply enough, the answer to this question is the hammer. It’s referencing the song “U Can’t Touch This” by American rap icon MC Hammer, which included the well-known lyrics, “Stop… Hammer Time!”.

What is answer 20 on the impossible quiz?

Question 20 of The Impossible Quiz says “Deal or no deal?”, referencing the game show “Deal or No Deal”. The possible choices are “Deal!”, “No deal!”, “Seal!”, “No seal!” The answer is “Seal!”, which is a better answer than “Deal!”, since in these cases what people do is to “seal the deal”.

How do you beat level 20 on the impossible quiz?

How long is the impossible quiz?

110 questions
The Impossible Quiz is an online trivia quiz that features only very hard questions. Many of the questions have double meanings, tricks and puns and requires you to think outside the box. Out of the four answers, only one answer is right. There are in total 110 questions.

What follows December 2nd?

While it would seem sensible to choose “December 3rd” or “A question mark”, the answer in this case is “n”, because it’s what follows the word “December” the second; in other words, it’s the second character after the word.