How do you batten a wall for plasterboard?

Fixing Battens to Your Wall Then, mark evenly spaced drill holes along the centre of each batten. At a workbench, drill through each hole in the batten. Then, place the batten against the wall, and drill through the pilot hole and into the brick, making sure to use a suitable drill bit for masonry.

How far apart should Battens be for plasterboard?

Plasterboard comes in two thicknesses and we recommend you use the 12.5mm thickness for this job. The battens need to be as close to 400mm apart as possible allowing for the fact that you need the end of a plaster lath to fall on the centre of a batten so the next board can share the same batten.

How far apart should board and batten be?

Typically, batten are spaced anywhere from 12” to 24” apart. I think it looks best to space them as close to 18” as possible, but that’s just a personal preference. Our wall is 164” wide, so we used 8 batten (for a total of 7 spaces) with a distance of 19.42 inches between each batten.

Does plasterboard need noggins?

∎ Noggings should always be provided behind all plasterboard joints where a vapour control plasterboard is used to inhibit the movement of water vapour through the joint.

Where do you start when Plasterboarding a ceiling?

Starting from the corner of the room, position the first board. The end of the plasterboard sits half way across the joist to allow the next board to butt up to it.

Can you overboard plasterboard?

Yes you can overboard using 9.5mm plasterboard, the reason I say 9.5mm is that if the ceiling has any undulations 9.5mm will follow these easier than 12.5mm board but this is up to you, also use 50mm driwall screws to fix the new board then scrim the joints and plaster, remember to stagger the joints it is important,.

Can you overboard lath and plaster walls?

If this is not appropriate then I suggest you overboard them with plasterboard and skim them. The reason for this is that the joists will probably not be level which means that you would have to counter-batten them to achieve a flat ceiling. This would add to cost. Also ripping out is incredibly messy.