How do you auto replace in Openttd?

To get to the replace vehicles screen, first open the vehicle listing of the type of vehicle you want to replace (trains are shown in the screenshot below). Then from the Manage list menu, click Replace vehicles. The replace (vehicle type) window appears, which looks like the one for trains below.

How do you buy cars in Openttd?

How do I purchase road’s vehicles?

  1. To build a road vehicle, place a depot and then click it.
  2. You will be presented with the depot window.
  3. Select one and click “Buy Vehicle” at the bottom of this window.
  4. The vehicle will appear in the depot window and the vehicle’s control window will open.

How do I upgrade tracks in Openttd?

Place the cursor in the left corner and while holding down the mouse button, drag the cursor to the right corner so the entire map is highlighted with the grid. Release the mouse button and voila, your entire steel rail system has been upgraded to electric. All rails, stations and depots will be upgraded.

How do you sell trains on Openttd?

How do I sell / delete trains?

  1. click & dragging the piece to the second icon ( ) from top in the depot;
  2. holding the Ctrl key while selling a piece (click&drag to upper icon).

How do you get a lot of money on Openttd?

First take on maximum loan and build 2 or 3 airports at 1500+ cities then buy two or more airplanes and let them fly between those airports. Since they are fast and often carry 100+ passengers they provide a very good income.

How do you buy a helicopter in Openttd?

Steps to purchasing an aircraft:

  1. Build an airport.
  2. Click the hangar building located in the airport to open the Aircraft Hangar window.
  3. Click on the New Aircraft button located on the lower left-side of the Aircraft Hangar window.
  4. Browse the list of available aircraft, select one, and press the Build Aircraft button.

How do I get the electric train in Openttd?

For these trains to operate, you must convert your railways and at least one Depots to electrified and then purchase a train as usual. Carriages and wagons can be used on either of the types. Electrified railways can be built as normal track is, and can also be intersected with normal track.

How do I upgrade airport in Openttd?

Next to the ‘Rename Airport’ button I believe. This will stop planes from landing (it’ll skip the destination in their orders) which lets you do the in situ upgrade. If you’re quick enough, you can also demolish a station and build another over it.

How do you build a train in Openttd?

Building trains

  1. Place/build a train Depots and then click it. You will be presented with the depot window.
  2. Click “New vehicles”. A new window will pop up with a list of trains to purchase.
  3. Select an engine and click “Buy vehicle” at the bottom of the window.
  4. Add wagons to your engine in the same manner.

What does OpenTTD stand for?

OpenTTD stands for Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe. It’s an open source version of 1995’s Transport Tycoon Deluxe, a game produced by Chris Sawyer of RollerCoaster Tycoon fame.

How do I get started with OpenTTD?

Starting the game Upon starting OpenTTD, you will be presented with the main menu. Click the New Game button. This will open the World Generation screen, filled with even more dazzling options. Leave these to their defaults for now.

How do I buy a train in Openttd?

Trains can be purchased from train Depotss (the trains will then start from the depot you built them in). First click on the depot (see Building depots for details on building them). The depot screen will open – this window shows all trains that are stationed in this depot. Click on New Vehicle.