How do you assess a casualty army?

Check for responsiveness. (1) Ask in a loud, but calm, voice: “Are you okay?” Gently shake or tap the casualty on the shoulder. (2) Determine the level of consciousness by using AVPU: A = Alert; V = responds to Voice; P = responds to Pain; U = Unresponsive.

What is combat casualty rate?

KIA refers to the number of combat deaths that occur before reaching an MTF (battalion aid station, forward sur- gical, combat support and higher levels of hospital care), expressed as a percent of the Wounded in Action minus the RTDs. %KIA. Deaths before MTF.

How long is a TCCC cert good for?

3 years
Students who successfully complete the course receive a certificate of completion, a TCCC card good for 3 years, and 16 hours of CAPCE credit. NAEMT verifies that military training facilities meet minimal training center requirements.

What are the conditions and standards for tactical combat casualty care?

Conditions: You have a casualty who has signs/symptoms of an injury. Your unit may be under fire. Standards: Evaluate the casualty following the correct sequence. Identify all life-threatening conditions and other serious wounds. Performance Steps Note: Tactical combat casualty care (TCCC) can be divided into three phases.

What are the steps involved in combat casualty care?

Evaluate the casualty following the correct sequence. Identify all life-threatening conditions and other serious wounds. Performance Steps Note: Tactical combat casualty care (TCCC) can be divided into three phases. The first is care under fire; the second is tactical field care; the third is combat casualty evacuation care.

What is the first step in the evaluation of a casualty?

(e) Place your hands behind the casualty’s shoulders and pass them downward behind the back, the thighs, and the legs. Note whether there is blood on your hands from the casualty’s wounds. (2) If life-threatening bleeding is present, stop the evaluation and control the bleeding.

What does it mean to test a casualty?

To test casualty. 1. Performed care under fire. a. Suppressed enemy fire to keep the casualty from sustaining additional wounds. b. Encouraged responsive casualties to