How do you ask for a raise if you are underpaid?

How to ask for a raise

  1. Do your salary research. You’ll want to arm yourself with some facts and statistics before heading into your meeting.
  2. Choose the right time to set up your meeting. We talked about timing your ask correctly earlier.
  3. Prepare what you’ll say.
  4. Ask with confidence and gratitude.

Is it reasonable to ask for a 10% raise?

It’s always a good idea to ask for anywhere between 10% to 20% higher than what you’re making right now. You may be able to ask for more based on your performance, length of time with the company, and other factors. Make sure you come prepared when you negotiate your raise and be confident.

Is asking for a $5 raise too much?

How much to ask for: 15-20% above your current salary, or reasonable market rate for the position. This is your opportunity to get the biggest salary increase. It’s also a chance to reset if you feel you were being underpaid at your last job.

How do you ask for a pay raise professionally?

How to Write a Letter Asking for a Raise

  1. Do your salary research. You’re not going to get very far if the amount you ask for is not in line with the realities of today’s job market.
  2. Pick the right time.
  3. Make the request.
  4. Back it up.
  5. Express appreciation for the consideration.

How do I tell my boss I am underpaid?

Krawcheck recommends setting up a meeting with your boss, reminding her of your recent wins, and then saying, “I’ve done some research, and it appears I’m underpaid by x percent.” Then stop talking. “We always want to fill the awkward moment, but just wait,” she says.

How do you tell your boss you need more money?

You can keep it general (“I’d like a raise” or “I’d like to discuss my salary”), or you can ask for a specific number (“Based on my salary research, I’d like an X percent raise”). Be careful that you don’t imply an ultimatum, or convey frustration or any negative emotion.

Can you get fired for asking for a raise?

Yes is the short answer. But it’s very unlikely as it’s simply not a good business practice to fire someone simply for asking for a raise. In fact, you can get fired for anything that’s not protected by federal law (think gender, race, pregnancy, and disability), particularly if you are an at-will employee.

How much is a 5% raise?

An employee’s current annual salary is $50,000, and she earns a $2,500 raise, her annual salary will increase to $52,500. Divide $2,500 by $50,000 and the result is 0.05, which is 5 percent (2,500/50,000 = 0.05).

How do I talk to my boss about salary increase?

How to ask for a salary raise, and get it too

  1. Learn the rules. You cannot negotiate your salary without knowing the rules of the game.
  2. Play the game.
  3. Mind the score.
  4. Get current data.
  5. Know your boss.
  6. Know your professional self.
  7. Schedule the right time.
  8. Write the script.

What should I do if I am underpaid?

What to Do if You Think You’re Underpaid

  1. Be sure to compare your salary to those of other employees at both your company and other companies.
  2. Some of the most underpaid jobs include those that serve children, the elderly and the sick.
  3. When negotiating a pay raise, present the strongest case possible, backed by evidence.