How do you analyze mass spectrometry results?

How to Read a Simple Mass Spectrum

  1. Step 1: Step 1: Identify the Molecular Ion.
  2. Step 2: Step 2: Identify Major Fragmentation Clusters.
  3. Step 3: Step 3: Determine the ∆m for Each Major Peak.
  4. Step 4: Step 4: Identify Any Heteroatoms.
  5. Step 5: Step 5: Identify Remainder of Molecule.
  6. Step 6: Step 6: Name the Molecule.

What is the output of mass spectrometry?

The mass spectrum is a display of unique ions present at a specific time in the experiment, whether that duration represents a long-term ablation of a solid sample in the source or the passage of a transient GC or LC peak….Interpreting Mass Spectrometer Output.

Mass Odd electron ion Even electron ion
Odd Odd number of N atoms No N or even number of N atoms

What can you determine from mass spectrometry data?

The relative abundance of each isotope can be determined using mass spectrometry. A mass spectrometer ionizes atoms and molecules with a high-energy electron beam and then deflects the ions through a magnetic field based on their mass-to-charge ratios ( m / z m/z m/z ).

What does base peak tell you?

The most intensive peak in a spectrum is called the “Base Peak”, whose intensity is taken as 100 percent. This ion exists most abundantly in the ion source and represents the most stable ion, which is useful for identifying the compound.

What is the M+ peak in mass spectrometry?

The M+ peak is usually the highest intensity peak in the cluster of peaks at highest m/z.

What is MS analysis?

Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of proteins measures the mass-to-charge ratio of ions to identify and quantify molecules in simple and complex mixtures. MS has become invaluable across a broad range of fields and applications, including proteomics.

What does the M 2 peak mean?

This page explains how the M+2 peak in a mass spectrum arises from the presence of chlorine or bromine atoms in an organic compound. It also deals briefly with the origin of the M+4 peak in compounds containing two chlorine atoms.