How do perfluorocarbons work?

Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are totally synthetic artificial blood products derived from fluorine- and carbon-containing chemicals. They are chemically inert, but more effective than water or blood plasma in dissolving and absorbing oxygen in the lungs and then transporting oxygen throughout the body.

Is perfluorocarbon natural?

PFC gases do not exist naturally in the atmosphere but are produced synthetically.

What is the meaning of perfluorocarbon?

Definition of perfluorocarbon : any of various hydrocarbon derivatives in which all hydrogen atoms have been replaced with fluorine and that include blood substitutes used in emulsified form.

Is perfluorocarbons man made?

Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are man-made compounds containing just fluorine and carbon. They are generally colourless, odourless non-flammable gases at environmental temperatures and for the most part chemically unreactive.

Where do perfluorocarbons come from?

Primary aluminum production is a major source of global perfluorocarbon (PFC) emissions, and the EPA has promoted the development and adoption of cost-effective PFC emission reduction opportunities.

Can humans breathe in perfluorocarbon?

The liquid perfluorocarbon (PFC), which is used for liquid ventilation, has proven perfectly suitable as a breathing medium, as it not only dissolves high amounts of oxygen but also acts as anti-inflammatory for human tissue.

What happens if you breathe liquid oxygen?

Breathing pure oxygen sets off a series of runaway chemical reactions. That’s when some of that oxygen turns into its dangerous, unstable cousin called a “radical”. Oxygen radicals harm the fats, protein and DNA in your body.

Can you breathe perfluorocarbon?

What are the properties of perfluorocarbons?

Perfluorocarbons are synthetic, fluorinated hydrocarbons that increase the amount of oxygen dissolved in the fluid phase of the blood. Perfluorocarbon emulsions are heavy, low-viscosity liquids, inert, and optically clear, with a high specific gravity and good surface tension.

How are perfluorocarbons produced?

Definitions. Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) can be produced in the primary aluminium reduction process, during events referred to as anode effects. An anode effect is a process upset condition, where an insufficient amount of alumina is dissolved in the electrolyte bath.