How do people prepare for Bonnaroo?

Prepping Your Day Pack Throw in sunscreen, a tapestry to use as a lightweight blanket or shawl, ponchos, portable chargers, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and baby wipes. CamelBak hydration packs are a festival favorite, but you can also bring one sealed bottle of water into Centeroo at Bonnaroo.

Is Bonnaroo a good festival?

Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival has become well known for its awesome music, diverse lineup, and fun festival activities. But with this popularity comes a huge festival of close to 100,000 people which can cause some challenges for the first-timer.

How much money should you bring to Bonnaroo?

Daily Costs at Bonnaroo (Food & Booze) – $50 / day That said, you should still spend some money at Centeroo or you will be running back and forth between your campsite all day. Generally it’s pretty cheap at Bonnaroo and you can get by with $50 a day, especially if you sneak in booze.

What should I wear to Bonnaroo Festival?

A light jacket/sweatshirt will help when the temperature drops at night, plus it works as a pillow or you can sit on it. Shoes: Leave your fashionable shoes at home. But don’t wear flip-flops the whole time either, (great for excursions to the shower/porta potti). Sanuk type-shoes or Chaocs are recommended.

What food should I bring to Bonnaroo?

Food and drink Allow yourself a few meals from Bonnaroo vendors, but bring peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches, granola bars, dried fruit, Pop Tarts, SpaghettiOs and other budget eats to keep your food expenses down. Water: Individual bottles for drinking and plastic gallon jugs for washing and cleaning items …

How do you shower at Bonnaroo?

Showers can be found at all PLAZA locations except Plaza 8, indicated on your festival map. Showers are in private stalls and they are operated and cleaned by our very own shower fairies during hours of operations: Tuesday from 12pm-10pm at plazas 2, 3, 5 and 7.

Is Bonnaroo bigger than Coachella?

The grounds of Bonnaroo are much larger and most everyone is stuck there for the entirety of the festival. It is also longer, not only in the fact that there are 4 days at Bonnaroo as compared to Coachella’s 3, but the music goes till the break of dawn Friday-Sunday and very late on Thursday night as well.

Can you sleep in your car at Bonnaroo?

Vehicles larger than a standard 15-passenger van are not allowed. Cars cannot be left overnight and you may not sleep in your car or camp next to your car. If you would like to camp next to your car, you will need a Car Camping Pass ($100 per day + fees per car).

Do they search your car at Bonnaroo?

At Bonnaroo everyone goes through the same turn-style ‘ esk ‘ car checks. During this period, you’ll see not only fellow volunteer Bonnaroovians, but you’ll also see bomb dogs and cops walking around. There are random police car checks, and unfortunately, you can’t predict when/if it will happen.

What do girls wear at Bonnaroo?

Shorts, skirts, bathing suits, and dresses are usually part of a Roo lady’s wardrobe. If you have outgrown showing your midriff, just wear shorts and a tank top during the day. At night, it gets chilly, so you will want to pack a pair of jeans, sweatshirt, and long-sleeved shirt.

What should I wear to Bonnaroo Reddit?

pack your rain jacket or a poncho, just in case! Bring a pair of sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and a long sleeve shirt. It can get shockingly cold at night… I like to keep a pair of warm clothes inside of my tent.

Do people sleep in their cars at Bonnaroo?

Passes are good for 4 days. Vehicles larger than a standard 15-passenger van are not allowed. Cars cannot be left overnight and you may not sleep in your car or camp next to your car. If you would like to camp next to your car, you will need a Car Camping Pass ($70 per day + fees per car).