How do Masons greet each other?
How do Masons greet each other?
Several, Actually. Freemasons greet one another with a variety of handshakes, all based on one’s rank within the organization. “There is a handshake for each degree: Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master, i.e., the first three degrees and also in the higher degrees,” says Révauger.
What is the motto for the Freemasons?
Inscribed on the folds of the flag of Masonry is the noble motto: LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY, SOLIDARITY. Masonry preaches peace among men, and in the name of humanity proclaims the inviolability of human life.
What are the opening and closing odes and hymns in Masonic ceremonies?
All Masonic Ceremonies start with an Opening Ode or Hymn, for example, ‘Hail Eternal By Whose Aid’, ending with a Closing Ode or Hymn, for example, ‘The day Thou Gavest.’ All our current downloads contain the most popular Opening and Closing Odes and Hymns, however some Lodges and Chapters use ones which are specific to them.
What are some good choruses for an accepted Mason?
Chorus: Let’s drink, laugh and sing; Our Wine has a Spring, Here’s a health to an Accepted Mason. 2.–Solo: The world is in pain our secrets to gain, But still let them wonder and gaze on; ‘Til they’re shown the Light; They’ll ne’er know the Right Word or Sign of an Accepted Mason.
How do you wish a brother to a Freemason?
Bright, Fraternal and sincere. Cheer each Brother on his way. We salute the man of worth. Rich or poor it matters not. In a Grander Lodge Above. Brother (or: Worthy) Freemasons all. Brother Freemasons all. Here’s a health to an Accepted Mason.
What are some good quotes about masonry?
Than a Free and an Accepted Mason. Than a Free and an Accepted Mason. As a Free or an Accepted Mason. And plenty of Job’s patience too. And here’s to his health in a song. And here’s to his health in a song. And here’s to his health in a song. And here’s to his health in a song. And here’s to his health in a song.