How do I write a feasibility study?

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you write your own feasibility study:

  1. Describe the project.
  2. Outline the potential solutions resulting from the project.
  3. List the criteria for evaluating these solutions.
  4. State which solution is most feasible for the project.
  5. Make a conclusion statement.

What is feasibility study PDF?

pdf, offers more discussion of the drafting a business plan. The feasibility study outlines and analyzes several alternatives or methods of achieving business success. The feasibility study helps to narrow the scope of the project to identify the best business scenario(s).

How do I write a small business feasibility report?

7 Steps To Do a Feasibility Study

  1. Conduct a Preliminary Analysis.
  2. Prepare a Projected Income Statement.
  3. Conduct a Market Survey, or Perform Market Research.
  4. Plan Business Organization and Operations.
  5. Prepare an Opening Day Balance Sheet.
  6. Review and Analyze All Data.
  7. Make a Go/No-Go Decision.
  8. Feasibility Analysis Definition.

What are the five important parts of feasibility study?

The five components include:

  • Demographic analysis.
  • Competitive assessments.
  • Pricing analysis.
  • Online surveys.
  • Stakeholder interviews.

What is the outline of feasibility study?

Define the project and alternative scenarios Describe the type and quality of product(s) or service(s) to be marketed. Outline the general business model (i.e. how the business will make money). Include the technical processes including size, location, kind of inputs, etc.

What are the four types of feasibility?

Types of Feasibility Study

  • Technical Feasibility. This assessment focuses on the technical resources available to the organization.
  • Economic Feasibility.
  • Legal Feasibility.
  • Operational Feasibility.
  • Scheduling Feasibility.

What are the 5 aspects of feasibility study?

There are five types of feasibility study—separate areas that a feasibility study examines, described below.

  • Technical Feasibility. This assessment focuses on the technical resources available to the organization.
  • Economic Feasibility.
  • Legal Feasibility.
  • Operational Feasibility.
  • Scheduling Feasibility.

What are the 5 aspects of feasibility study and explain?

Feasibility studies ensure that a project is realistic and has potential. A feasibility study must be thorough, unbiased and objective. Five key areas of a feasibility study are technical, economic, legal, operational and scheduling.