How do I use Surestep SMO?

How To Put On Surestep SMOs (A Visual Guide)

  1. Open the Surestep SMO up from behind and pull it onto your child’s foot.
  2. Cup the heel of the SMO with one hand.
  3. Next, push the foot back until you feel it make contact with the heel.
  4. Maintain this position by squeezing the SMO as you fasten the straps.

What is sure steps?

Surestep orthotics are custom-made to provide the extra support these amazing children need to run, jump and play. In fact, our core product, the patented Surestep SMO system, revolutionized orthotic management for children with pronation or low muscle tone (hypotonia) worldwide.

How long will my child wear SMO?

How Long Will My Child Need To Wear Them? This varies wildly based on your child’s age and diagnosis. We recommend getting kids in SMOs as soon as they present with development delays. Kids often wear three or four pairs of SMOs before graduating on to shoe inserts.

How do you put SMO braces on?

Open brace behind and underneath the foot and then slide foot into brace. Bend knee to 90 degrees to make sure heel is all the way to the back of the SMOs. Pull up on the toes to make sure the heel and the rest of the foot is fully seated in the brace. Apply tension to the Velcro shin straps and pull for snugness.

How should an SMO fit?

What Does A Properly Fitting Surestep SMO Look Like? Your orthotist may request a design variation, but the footplates of standard Surestep SMOs will stop just shy of the pinky toe. The plastic then swoops down behind the ball of the foot. As your child grows, the plastic will slip further and further down.

Can SMO be worn without shoes?

Is It Ok To Wear The SMOs Without Shoes Around The House? Although wearing shoes around the house is ideal, especially for more active kids, sliding socks with grips or tread overtop of the SMOs can be an easy, comfortable alternative.

Why would a child need SMO braces?

SMOs are most often worn by kids who pronate. This is also called walking flat footed. The braces guide feet into proper alignment while also helping your child feel more confident and stable.