How do I use receiver Cleanup utility?

How to Use the Citrix Receiver Clean Up Utility

  1. After you have downloaded the ReceiverCleanupUtility. zip file extract or unzip it.
  2. Run the Citrix clean up utility. A window will appear.
  3. After it has finished cleaning up hit any key again to close the window.
  4. Check for the config.

What is VDA Cleanup utility?

The VDA cleanup utility assists with the following scenarios: When errors occur during an upgrade from an earlier version of the VDA. When unexpected behavior or performance is experienced after an upgrade from an earlier VDA.

What does resetting Citrix Receiver do?

Resetting Receiver to factory defaults removes the following items: All accounts and stores. All apps delivered by the Self-Service Plug-in, along with their icons and registry keys. All file type associations created by the Self-Service Plug-in.

What is Citrix Workspace cleanup?

It cleans up any existing configuration and registry entries of Citrix Workspace app on the system and retries the installation when: Upgrading from an unsupported version of Citrix Workspace app.

How do I clean up Citrix files?

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and delete the following in \SOFTWARE\Citrix if they exist: ICA Client….For more recent Citrix Receiver releases, remove the following folders in \AppData if they exist:

  1. \Citrix\Receiver.
  2. \Citrix\AuthManager.
  3. \Citrix\SelfService.

How do I run a VDA cleanup utility with SCCM task sequence?

  1. Create a package with the VDA Cleanup utility.
  2. Create SCCM Task Sequence.
  3. Add the Run VDA Cleanup Utility.
  4. Add the Run VDA Cleanup Utility based on return code group.
  5. Copy and paste Run VDA Cleanup Utility.
  6. Copy and paste Run VDA Cleanup Utility based on return code.
  7. Deploy the task sequence to the VDAs.

How do I fix error in Citrix Receiver?

How can I fix Citrix Receiver launch error in Windows 10?

  1. Refresh applications.
  2. Ensure full permissions for the user accoun.
  3. Use another remote working solution.
  4. Download the latest version available.
  5. Reset Citrix Receiver.

Can I delete Citrix Receiver?

Click Apps. In the Apps & features list locate Citrix Receiver or Citrix Workspace and click on it. Click on Uninstall. A small pop-up will appear, click Uninstall again.