How do I use Cyberduck bigcommerce?

Connecting to Cyberduck Manually Open Cyberduck, and click on Open Connection. In the popup window, select WebDAV (HTTPS) from the dropdown as the connection type. Enter the login information from the BigCommerce control panel into Cyberduck. Server — Enter the WebDAV Path.

How do I setup my bigcommerce website?

1. Sign Up to Bigcommerce

  1. Step 1: Browse Bigcommerce. Take a hike over to the Bigcommerce website.
  2. Step 2: Sign Up.
  3. Step 3: Fill Out Your Details.
  4. Step 4: Open Your Store.
  5. Step 1: Launch the Wizard.
  6. Step 2: Set You Store Name and Address.
  7. Step 3: Set Measurement Units and SEO Details.
  8. Step 4: Choose Your Theme.

How can I upload image in BigCommerce?

Uploading. Adding images to the Image manager can be done from the control panel at Storefront › Image Manager, then clicking Upload Images. In the popup that appears, click Choose File (or Browse) and select an image from your computer. Repeat for each additional image, then click Upload.

How do I bulk upload products in BigCommerce?

Go to Products › Import.

  1. Fill out your preferred settings under Import Options.
  2. Under the Import Products via CSV section, upload your CSV file directly from your computer by browsing for it.
  3. Make sure all of the data you’re importing has been matched to its equivalent setting in BigCommerce.

How do I add files to BigCommerce?

Go to Storefront › Web Pages, then click Create a Web Page. For This Page Will, select Link to another website or document. Assign the Page Name, and enter in the location of the file. Save your changes.

How do I publish my BigCommerce store?

how to publish my store? Go to Store Setup -> Store Settings then change store status to open and save.

Is BigCommerce responsive design?

All templates in the new Bigcommerce theme marketplace are fully responsive to give customers an unmitigated shopping experience.

How do I export products from BigCommerce?

Go to Products › Export.

  1. Select your export settings.
  2. Click Continue, then click Export my Products to a CSV file in the pop-up window. The export will begin to process.
  3. When the export is complete, select Download my Products file. The file will be saved to your computer, usually in your Downloads folder.

Can you sell digital products on BigCommerce?

In addition to physical products, you can also sell digital files. In BigCommerce, we call these downloadable products.

How do I put my BigCommerce store down for maintenance?

Here are the steps on How to enable maintenance mode in BigCommerce:

  1. Go to Store Setup › Store Settings, then toggle the Store Status setting to Down for Maintenance.
  2. Enter a custom message to be displayed to your customers or leave the default message.
  3. Save your changes.