How do I upgrade my ASM to 12c?

Oracle 11g to 12c Upgrade With Data Guard & ASM

  1. Upgrade GRID_HOME on Standby.
  2. Primary DB Changes.
  3. Standby DB Changes.
  4. Upgrade GRID_HOME.
  5. Post GRID Upgrade Steps.
  6. Upgrade ORACLE_HOME on standby.
  7. Upgrade GRID_HOME on primary.
  8. Post GRID Upgrade Steps.

How can I upgrade from 11g to 19c?

Upgrade Oracle 11 to 19c for Windows—Part Two

  1. Step 1: Stage the installation file. Stage the 19.3 Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) install file so you can proceed with the upgrade.
  2. Step 2: Pre-upgrade steps.
  3. Step 3.0: Upgrade Steps.
  4. Step 4.0: Post-upgrade steps.
  5. Step 4.6: Clean up.

How do I update my RAC database?

Main steps :

  1. Check all services are up and running from 11gR2 GRID_HOME.
  2. Perform backup of OCR, voting disk and Database.
  3. Create new directory for installing 12C software on both RAC nodes.
  4. Run “” to verify errors .
  5. Install and upgrade GRID from 11gR2 to 12cR1.
  6. Verify upgrade version.

How can I upgrade from 12c to 19c?

Example of Upgrading with the Database Upgrade Assistant

  1. #1 | Backup Your Database.
  2. #2 | Empty Recycle Bin & Gather Stats.
  3. #3 | Run Oracle’s Database Pre-Upgrade Utility.
  4. #4 | Install the Oracle 19c Database Software.
  5. #5 | Run the DBUA Utility.
  6. #6 | Run Post-Upgrade Script & Restart Database.

How do I upgrade a primary database and a physical standby to Oracle 12c?

Upgrading Oracle Database from 11.2. 0.4 to 12.2. 0.1 where Physical Standby in Place

  1. Disable DG Broker.
  2. Apply latest PSU on on both primary and standby (click below for example)
  3. Install 12.2 database software on standby.
  4. Install 12.2 database software on primary.
  5. Apply latest Release Update on on standby.

How do I update Oracle Clusterware?

  1. Upgrade Checklist for Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
  2. Checks to Complete Before Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
  3. Moving Oracle Clusterware Files from NFS to Oracle ASM.
  4. Running the Oracle ORAchk Upgrade Readiness Assessment.
  5. Using CVU to Validate Readiness for Oracle Clusterware Upgrades.

Can we install 19c database on 12c grid?

You can use Oracle Database 19c, 18c, Oracle Database 12c releases 1 and 2, and Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2. 0.3 or later) with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c. Review this information to configure a 11.2 release Oracle Database on Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS).

Is Oracle 12c same as 19c?

Oracle 19c is essentially Oracle 12c Release 2 (12.2. 0.3). Therefore, if you are considering an Oracle 12.2 Database deployment, you should consider an upgrade to the latest 12.2 release, which turns out to be Oracle 19c.

How can I upgrade my database from 12c to 19c manually?

1.1: Install 19c Binary: Install Oracle 19c binary if it’s not already available on the DB server. Click here to get 19c binary installation steps and follow the same. 1.2: Execute the pre-upgrade command: Execute the preupgrade tool from the source home (12c).

How do I upgrade my standby database to 12c?

Upgrade Database to 12.2 with Physical Standby

  1. Environment.
  2. Disable DG Broker.
  3. Apply latest PSU on on both primary and standby (click below for example)
  4. Install 12.2 database software on standby.
  5. Install 12.2 database software on primary.
  6. Apply latest Release Update on on standby.