How do I turn off the grid in PeopleCode?

Enable/ Disabled Grid Button from PeopleSoft PeopleCode

  1. /*
  2. InsertEnabled only work with RowSet.
  3. DeleteEnabled work with RowSet and Row*/
  4. Local Rowset &rs
  5. &rs = GetLevel0()(1).GetRowset(Scroll.scroll_record);
  6. &rs.InsertEnabled = False;
  7. For &i = 1 To &rs.ActiveRowCount.

How do I disable Add button in grid PeopleCode?

Easiest way is to open your page and right click on the top right hand corner of your grid then go to “Page Field Properties” then go to the “Label” tab then in the “Body Area” click “Properties” make both of those invisible with the check box.

What is rowset in PeopleCode?

In an Application Engine program, a rowset object is the equivalent of a record object that contains one row and a single record, that is, the State Record. PeopleSoft suggests using the Record object instead of a rowset object to obtain access to the State Record.

Which PeopleCode statement would you use to instantiate a row object for the current row?

The GetRowset method creates a rowset object that references a child rowset of the current row. scrollname must specify the primary record for the child rowset. Specify a rowset to be used for instantiating the rowset object. You can specify either n or SCROLL.

How do I delete a row from the grid in PeopleSoft?

If you are using PeopleCode to populate the data then there should be a loop that will populate the gird data fields. You can use the InsertRow() and DeleteRow() on the gird to control the rows that are being inserted or deleted.

How do you refresh the grid in PeopleCode?

If you select the rowset through peoplecode that the grid is based on, you can call the refresh method. This only refreshes that rowset and any child rowsets.

How do you make a field invisible in PeopleCode?

You need to use the scroll path syntax to hide the field. Following is the code in later tools version. &LEVEL2_ROW = &level2(&J); &Record = &LEVEL2_ROW.

How do I hide a field on a page in PeopleCode?

Page Field Name from Peoplecode to set visible=False.

How do I delete a row in scroll using PeopleCode?

How do you clear a rowset?

Right-click in a table cell, row, or column you want to delete. On the Mini toolbar, click Delete. Choose Delete Cells, Delete Columns, or Delete Rows.

How do I hide grid columns in PeopleSoft?

Use the name of the parent page and not the subpage in the GetGrid call. The code should be on the Activate event of the parent page.