How do I treat scaly patches on my face?


  1. exfoliating with a loofah, pumice stone, or scrub to remove dead skin cells, if a doctor recommends it.
  2. applying ointment or cream regularly, ideally using products that contain humectants, ceramides, or emollients.
  3. using a humidifier to add moisture to the air.
  4. applying a cold compress to the affected area.

What do actinic keratosis look like?

What do actinic keratoses look like? AKs often appear as small dry, scaly or crusty patches of skin. They may be red, light or dark tan, white, pink, flesh-toned or a combination of colors and are sometimes raised.

How do you get rid of dry scaly spots?


  1. Medications. Applying prescription bleaching creams (hydroquinone) alone or with retinoids (tretinoin) and a mild steroid might gradually fade the spots over several months.
  2. Laser and intense pulsed light.
  3. Freezing (cryotherapy).
  4. Dermabrasion.
  5. Microdermabrasion.
  6. Chemical peel.

What are small round dry spots on skin?

Discoid eczema, also known as nummular or discoid dermatitis, is a long-term skin condition. It causes skin to become itchy, reddened, swollen and cracked in circular or oval patches. See your pharmacist or GP if you think you may have discoid eczema so they can recommend a suitable treatment.

Should I worry about actinic keratosis?

Some actinic keratoses can turn into squamous cell skin cancer. Because of this, the lesions are often called precancer. They are not life-threatening. But if they are found and treated early, they do not have the chance to develop into skin cancer.

What is the best way to treat actinic keratosis?

Actinic keratoses can be removed by freezing them with liquid nitrogen. Your doctor applies the substance to the affected skin, which causes blistering or peeling. As your skin heals, the damaged cells slough off, allowing new skin to appear. Cryotherapy is the most common treatment.

What are crusty patches on skin?

Actinic keratoses are scaly spots or patches on the top layer of skin. With time they may become hard with a wartlike surface. An actinic keratosis (ak-TIN-ik ker-uh-TOE-sis) is a rough, scaly patch on the skin that develops from years of sun exposure.

Can age spots be dry and scaly?

Flat, scaly area that may look like an age spot The spot on this man’s nose may look like an age spot, but it’s actually an actinic keratosis. AKs more commonly look like age spots in people who have skin of color. A dry, scaly lip that never heals (or heals and returns).