How do I track my MoneyGram?

How can I find out if it has been cashed? You can find out if your money order has been cashed online by clicking Money Order Status or by calling our automated line at 1-800-542-3590. You will need to enter your money order number and the exact dollar amount of your money order.

Where is the reference number on a MoneyGram?

Reference Number: Ask your sender for the reference number for the transaction. This number is on the receipt and included in confirmation emails for online transfer.

How long does it take for MoneyGram to transfer?

Most transfers are delivered within one business day. When you pay with an online bank account, it takes 3-4 days for your transfer to be processed hence this can cause delays.

How do I receive money from MoneyGram to my bank account?

Available in over 50 countries around the world.

  1. Sign up or log in. Enter your information so that we can verify your identity.
  2. Select a receiver or send to someone new.
  3. Select ‘Direct to Bank Account’ or ‘Account Deposit’
  4. Enter Receiver Information.
  5. Review & send!

How many numbers are in a reference number?

Definition and Examples of Credit Card Reference Number A credit card reference number is a 23-digit unique identifier given to a specific credit card transaction. The reference number helps merchants and businesses involved with credit card processing to easily look up transactions within their systems.

Can I claim MoneyGram in Palawan pawnshop?

Palawan Pawnshop Suki cardholders are entitled for P5. 00 rebates for every Moneygram remittance received at any Palawan Pawnshop branch nationwide! Customer is not limited on buying more than one item from the display, all payable thru cash only. Discounts are also applicable on bili-sangla.

How do I know if my money order has been cashed?

Customers wanting to find out if a money order has been cashed may go online to to check the status. They will need to enter the money order serial number, Post Office number, and issued amount—all printed on the money order receipt—in order to obtain near real-time status information.

Does MoneyGram go straight to bank account?

Review your transaction details and send! Your money will arrive directly to the bank account with no action required by the receiver.

What bank does MoneyGram use?

With a real-time connection through Axis Bank, MoneyGram provides its customers around the globe with access to the efficiency and speed of the India NEFT network to send international money transfers directly into rupee-denominated bank accounts.