How do I terminate an employee for UIF?
How do I terminate an employee for UIF?
You can record an employee’s termination as follows:
- On their profile, click on End Service.
- Select the date of their Last Day of Service.
- Select the UIF Status Code (outlined below)
- Save.
Can I download a u19 form?
You can download the UI19 Form as a word document below. The form must be submitted to the UIF via: Post (UIF, Pretoria, 0052); FAX (012 337 1636); or.
Can you download UIF forms?
So, we’ve decided to compile a go-to resource page that contains free downloadable UIF and other claims benefit documents for employees.
Where do I get the UI 19 form?
The employer must forward this form to the Unemployment Insurance Fund at (012) 337-1943/44 or 337-1580/81/82 or submit same at any branch of the UIF which is closest to the employer.
What documents do I need to claim UIF?
To claim unemployment benefits you need to have:
- A copy of 13-digit bar-coded identity document.
- A copy of your last six payslips.
- Information supplied by your employer (UI-19).
- A service certificate from the employer.
- Proof of registration as a work seeker.
- A fully completed registration form.
How do I submit my UI19 form online?
What are the methods for UIF submission surrounding Covid-19?
- Online at: (Illness benefits).
- Email the application to the nearest UIF processing centre. (Illness/ Reduced Work Time/ Death benefits).
- Fax the application to the nearest UIF processing centre. (Illness/ Reduced Work Time/ Death benefits).
What is the UI 19 form for?
The UI19 form is used by employers to submit particulars of their workers to the Fund’s database. This form is available from the website as well as Provincial offices and labour Centres of the Department Of Labour.
What is the UIF 2.8 form?
This fillable “Form Ui-2.8 “unemployment Insurance Fund Authorisation to Pay Benefits Into Banking Account” – South Africa” is a document issued by the South African Department of Employment and Labour specifically for South Africa residents.
What is a UIF 2.7 form?
Where do you get UI19?
UI-8 (registration of employer) and UI19 ( registration of workers) can be downloaded from the website, or can also be obtained from the Fund or at any local office of the Department of Labour. Registration can be affected telephonically at (012) 337 1680.