How do I take professional pictures with my Sony Cybershot?

Use Autofocus All Sony Cyber-shot cameras come with a built-in autofocus. In order to use the autofocus, press the shutter button down halfway. Once your subject is in focus the way you want, press the shutter button down the remainder of the way in order to take a picture.

What is a Sony Memory Stick Duo adapter used for?

A: This adaptor is designed to convert Memory Stick Duo cards to older standard sized Memory Stick slots. It will not work on SD media.

How do I read my Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo on my Mac?

Unfortunately, a memory stick cannot be plugged into USB ports on Mac or Windows computers, so you need a memory stick USB adapter.

  1. Plug the memory stick adapter into a USB port on your Mac.
  2. Plug the Sony memory stick into the memory stick adapter.
  3. Press “Cmd-N” to launch the Finder.

Will a Memory Stick Pro Duo fit in my laptop?

A: Yes, you can place the memory stick into the adapter then directly to your laptop. A: This adapter is only to convert Memory Stick Duo to standard sized Memory Sticks.

How do I setup my Sony Cybershot?

Press the shutter button fully down suddenly. Press the shutter button halfway down. AE/AF lock indicator flashing , lit/beeps Then press the shutter button fully down. Hold the camera steady, keeping your arms at your side.

Can Mac read Memory Stick Pro Duo?

Memory Stick Pro Duo is a different format than SD, and will not work on your Mac’s SD card reader. It’s a proprietary format by Sony so as others have said, you will need an adapter.

Why is my Mac not reading my SD card?

You can try inserting your SD card into another machine and see if it responds. The operating system errors. If your OS prevents your SD card from being recognized, reinstall it and try restarting your Mac. It should generally solve the issue for you.