How do I stop httpd?

You can also stop httpd using /sbin/service httpd stop. The restart option is a shorthand way of stopping and then starting the Apache HTTP Server. Apache will display a message on the console or in the ErrorLog if it encounters an error while starting.

How do I stop Apachectl?

Stopping apache:

  1. Log in as the application user.
  2. Type apcb.
  3. If apache was run as the application user: Type ./apachectl stop.

How do I disable a service in Solaris 11?

How to Disable a Service Instance

  1. Permanently disable the instance. $ svcadm disable FMRI.
  2. Temporarily disable the instance. Use the -t option to specify temporary disable.
  3. Synchronously disable the instance.

How do I restart Apachectl?

Available options for the apachectl command

  1. apachectl start: Start the Apache daemon.
  2. apachectl stop: Stops the Apache daemon.
  3. apachectl restart: Restarts the Apache daemon by sending it a SIGHUP.
  4. fullstatus: Displays a full status report from mod_status.
  5. apachectl status: Displays a brief status report.

How do I see what services are running in Solaris 10?

To check if a service is running use the svcs command. svcs -a will give you status of all services configured on the system, including disabled services.

How do I restart a service in Solaris 10?

2.1 Start and Stop the Server

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Use the following commands to start, stop, and restart the sshd service: /etc/init.d/sshd start /etc/init.d/sshd stop /etc/init.d/sshd restart.

How do I start and stop IBM HTTP server?


  1. From the Start menu: Click Start > Programs > IBM HTTP Server > Start Administration Server.
  2. The adminctl command starts and stops the IBM HTTP Server administration server. You can find the adminctl command in the bin subdirectory, within the IBM HTTP Server installation directory.

How do I find out what Web server is running?

If your webserver runs on standard port see “netstat -tulpen |grep 80”. It should tell you which service is running. Now you can check the configs, you’ll find them normally in /etc/servicename, for example: apache configs are likely to find in /etc/apache2/. There you’ll get hints where the files are located.