How do I stop a batch file from closing a window?

Add a pause statement to a batch file If you’re creating a batch file and want the MS-DOS window to remain open, add PAUSE to the end of your batch file. This prompts the user to Press any key. Until the user presses any key, the window remains open instead of closing automatically.

How do I stop a DOS window from closing?

Type the “cmd /k” parameter before every command to keep the window from closing.

How do I stop command prompt from closing automatically?

To prevent the Command Prompt from closing automatically: Press Windows key + R to open the Run window. Adding / K after the command keeps the window open. You can, then, close the window manually when you no longer need it to be open.

How can I run a batch file in the background without showing the window?

Running . BAT or . CMD files in minimized mode

  1. Create a shortcut to the . BAT or . CMD file.
  2. Right click on the shortcut and choose Properties.
  3. In the Run: drop down, choose Minimized.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Double-click the shortcut to run the batch file in a minimized window state.

Why does Command Prompt close automatically?

Use Windows 10 System File Checker (SFC) If the system file is damaged, it may also cause the problem that CMD opens and closes immediately in Windows 10. For this, you can try to fix this problem by running the Windows 10 System File Checker (SFC).

What does pause do in a batch file?

Purpose: Suspends execution of a batch file until a key is pressed.

What is GOTO EOF in batch file?

At the end of your subroutine, you can jump to the end of the batch file (so that execution falls off the end) by doing a goto :eof . In other words, goto :eof is the return statement for batch file subroutines.

Why does batch file close immediately?

Sometimes, the command is executed so quickly that it seems like the Command Prompt closes immediately after opening the batch (BAT) file. This prevents users from performing other tasks after the execution of the batch file or viewing the status of the commands they executed in the CMD.

Why does the Command Prompt disappear?

Oftentimes, Command Prompt suddenly disappears if you’re running a CMD-specific command in a Run window. For example, you’re running ipconfig.exe. When the command stops running, the Command Prompt window it ran in automatically closes.

How do I run a batch script silently?

Run Batch Files silently & hide the console window using freeware

  1. Drag, and drop the batch file onto the interface.
  2. Choose options including hiding console windows, UAC, and so on.
  3. You can also test it using test mode.
  4. You can also add command-line options if needed.

How do I pause a DOS batch file?

You can insert the pause command before a section of the batch file that you might not want to process. When pause suspends processing of the batch program, you can press CTRL+C and then press Y to stop the batch program.