How do I start a Linux FLEXlm license?

Systemd service (Linux)

  1. Create a user account: useradd flexlm -b /opt -c “FlexLM User” -s /sbin/nologin -m.
  2. Create a dedicated directory for the log files in /var/log and assign permissions to the flexlm user.
  3. Copy the license server files into the directory /opt/flexlm/schrodinger.
  4. Put the license files (with ‘.

How do I run FLEXlm?

follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the machine designated as the license server and log in.
  2. Download the file from Artwork’s ftp site and unzip the contents into a new directory.
  3. Edit the license.lic file.
  4. Set Environment Variable.
  5. Configure Flexlm as a Windows Service.

Is FLEXNet the same as FLEXlm?

FlexNet Publisher (formerly known as FLEXlm) is a software license manager from Flexera Software which implements license management and is intended to be used in corporate environments to provide floating licenses to multiple end users of computer software.

How do I enable my FLEXNet licensing service?

The fix for this is to enable the service in the “Services” menu for Windows, accessible by searching for “services” in Settings (Windows 10) or Control Panel (Windows 7). Change FLEXNet to “Automatic” then reboot the computer to have the service startup with Windows.

How do I install a FlexNet license?

  1. From µVision, open the dialog File — License Management.
  2. Select the tab FlexNet License and click the button Edit to enter the URL (port@host) or select a license file using Select file ….
  3. Click OK.
  4. Enable Use FlexNet.
  5. Select a product row in the license table and click Set as Active Product to use the license.

How do I start Lmgrd in Linux?

Once the license manager service is configured, lmgrd is started by starting the service from the LMTOOLS interface: Start LMTOOLS. LMTOOLS appears with the Service/License File tab open. Click the Configuration using Services radio button.

How does FLEXlm license manager work?

FLEXlm software is a prominent license management solution that enables software vendors to impose restrictions on the number of software seats available to their customers. FLEXlm supports different licensing policies such as Floating (aka Concurrent) and Node Locked licenses.

Does FLEXlm use TCP or UDP?

FLEXlm uses a set of TCP ports, one for lmgrd process and one for the vendor daemon “borland”. The lmgrd port number is by default between 27000-27009. This port can be specified when generating the network license files at the Borland hosting website.

How do I open port 27000?


  1. On the machine where the License Key Server is installed, start License Key Administrator with “Run as Administrator” .
  2. Open the Settings > Server Ports… dialog.
  3. Set Port for “lmgrd” to 27000.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Then open two bidirectional ports on the firewall (Windows or network):