How do I speak to a person at DFAS?

If you need speak to a customer service representative, please call 800-321-1080 or 216-522-5955 Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

How do I contact DFAS by email?

Claim forms must be submitted by mail or fax….

Contact Us
General Customer Service Questions 1-888-332-7366 Email: AskDFAS
Advances Fax: 216-367-3428 DSN Fax: 580-7839 Email to fax machine: [email protected]

What does DFAS stand for?

Defense Finance Accounting Service
Defense Finance Accounting Service (DFAS)

What is the number to DFAS customer service?

(888) 332-7411Defense Finance and Accounting Service / Customer service

How do I prove my military retirement pay before retirement?

A monthly electronic Retiree Account Statement (RAS) is available to all military retirees currently receiving retirement payments. The RAS is available on myPay, the official online account management system for military members and DoD employees.

How do I make a complaint to DFAS?

To file a complaint regarding your pay and allowance issues, you may send correspondence to [email protected].

How can I fix my army pay?

What to Do When the Military Messes Up Your Paycheck

  1. Resolving an Overpayment.
  2. Resolving an Underpayment.
  3. Dip into Emergency Savings.
  4. Speak to Your First Sergeant or Contact Your Service Aid Society.
  5. Work with Your Creditors.
  6. Communicate with Your Landlord.
  7. Raise Cash – Take on Extra Work, Sell Things, etc.

What is DFAS responsible for?

Our mission. Our mission is to “Deliver financial excellence and quality pay services to our customers..” As one of the world’s largest finance and accounting operations, DFAS supports military and civilian customers.

Can I lose my military retirement?

Procedures of the Military Departments may suspend retired pays under authority of the head of the retired pay activity, if the retiree fails to take necessary administrative actions on time, or if the retiree declines further payments.