How do I show the menu bar in Media Player Classic?

Windows Media Player – How To Show Menu Bar w/File, Tools, etc

  1. in the middle of the screen click “Go to Library”
  2. in the upper left, click “Organize”, then “Layout”, then “Show menu bar” alternatively, at the bottom, you can right click, then click “Show menu bar”

How do I change Media Player Classic toolbar?

How to Change the Skin of a Media Player Classic

  1. Launch Windows Media Player classic.
  2. Click “View” and select “Skin Chooser.” If you are using a new version of the media player and cannot find the “classic menus,” right-click anywhere on the media player and choose “Show Classic Menus” to launch the menu bar.

How do I use classic media player?

How to Configure Media Player Classic

  1. Click “Use the Same Player for Each Media File” or “Open a New Player for Each Media File Played.” If you choose the second option, a new Media Player Classic window will open whenever you open a media file.
  2. Locate the “Title Bar” section and select one of the title bar options.

Where is my media menu?

Ctrl+M. One sure way of accessing the menu in any configuration of Windows Media Player hold down the Control key and press M.

Where is tools on Media Player?

HI, To access Tools directly in WMP use ALT + T.

How do I change my media player skin?

How to Change the Skins

  1. In Media Player, open the Access applications menu button, point to View, and then select Skin Chooser.
  2. In the skins list, click the skin you want to apply.
  3. A preview of the skin appears.
  4. Click Apply Skin.
  5. You will see the Player in skin mode using the skin you chose.

How do I create a playlist in Media Player Classic?

  1. Click “View,” which is at the top of the player between “File” and “Play.”
  2. Scroll down to “Playlist.”
  3. Click “Playlist” and the files that you just opened will appear in a playlist box. The shortcut for this section is “Ctrl 7.”

What should I do after Media Player Classic?

Top 10 alternatives to media player classic

  1. VLC Media Player.
  2. Winamp.
  3. Windows Media Player.
  4. Miro.
  5. KMPlayer.
  6. MX Player.
  7. Splash Player.
  8. M Player.

Where is the menu in Windows Media Player?

Windows Media Player Right-click an empty portion near the top of the window, as shown below. Then, select the Menu bar from the drop-down menu. If you right-click and get a menu with options, like Minimize, Maximize, and Move, right-click a space a little lower, to the right of the Library, Music, and Artist options.

Where is Media Player settings?

Open Windows Media Player and select “Options” from the “Tools” pull-down menu. A dialog box will open. The options dialog box will present you with twelve tabbed settings categories including Player, Rip Music, Devices, Burn, Performance, Library, Plug-ins, Privacy, Security, File Types, DVD and Network.