How do I show different menus to different WordPress user roles?

Step-by-Step: Creating WordPress Menus for Specific User Roles

  1. Step 1: In WordPress, go to the Appearance tab and click on Menus.
  2. Step 2: Download and activate the plugin you plan to use, if you haven’t done so already.
  3. Step 3: Go to the Users tab and click on All Users.
  4. Step 4: Go back to the Menus page.

How do I show different menus to logged in WordPress users without plugins?

Creating the new WordPress Menus Go to Appearance > Menus, create two menus logged-in and logged-out. That’s all you will see that your logged in visitors will see the logged-in menu and the non-registered or logged out users will see a different menu.

What are the five 5 standard user roles in WordPress?

A single-site installation of WordPress includes five default user roles: Subscriber, Contributor, Author, Editor, and Administrator.

Can a user have multiple roles in WordPress?

Yes, WordPress allows this. You can do it in your code: $someone = new WP_User( $user_id ); $someone->add_role( ‘role-1’ ); $someone->add_role( ‘role-2’ ); You can also use a plugin such as Multiple Roles.

How do I hide menu items for specific users in WordPress?

Install and activate the “User Role Editor” plugin.

  1. Edit a User Role.
  2. Use the drop-down box to select the role you want to edit.
  3. In the group column, you can select which permissions you want to edit.
  4. To hide a menu item in WordPress, you’ll have to have the “Core” option selected.
  5. Choose Which Menu Items to Remove.

How do I hide the Admin menu in WordPress?

After activating the plugin, browse to the Settings > Clean Admin Menu area in the WordPress backend. This is where you choose which menus to hide. Checking the box next to an item will hide it from view. If you need to access a hidden menu, click the Toggle Extra link.

How do I customize user roles in WordPress?

Plugin Method: Using A WordPress Custom User Role Plugin

  1. After installing and activating this plugin navigate to wp-admin → Users → Add New Role.
  2. Enter the role title (e.g Comments Moderator)
  3. Select the capabilities for this new user role (e.g. moderate comments, read)
  4. Click on Add Role button.

How many users roles are defined in WordPress by default?

six default
The six default WordPress user roles. Out of the box, WordPress includes six different user roles. Understanding each one is key if you want to protect your site and ensure your team works more effectively.

Can a user have multiple roles?

Yes. Users may be assigned to multiple Roles. The system will give the most access possible based on all the Roles the use is assigned to. The User Interface will follow the Role which is “highest” on the list of Roles.

How do I add user roles in WordPress?

Q: How do I Manage User Roles in WordPress?

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click User > Add new.
  3. Click on the user name, and click Edit.
  4. Navigate through the Role options, and select the role from the drop-down.
  5. Select the desired role.
  6. Save changes.

How do I hide the menu in WordPress?