How do I setup a Multicraft server?

Creating a server

  1. Log into the Multicraft panel.
  2. Click on servers on the top menu.
  3. Click Create Server on the side menu.
  4. Fill information for the server. Name: Pick a name for the server that will appear in the Multicraft panel server list. Players: This is your player cap.
  5. Click Create at the bottom.

How do I set up a Multicraft panel?

Log in to your server as the root user.

  1. Install the Dependencies. Install Apache2 and SQLite.
  2. Install Multicraft. Download the Multicraft installer.
  3. Configure the Control Panel. Open a web browser and navigate to your server’s IP address with the subdirectory /multicraft/install.
  4. Change the Administrator Account Password.

Where is Multicraft config?

Installing the Daemon conf to suit your needs and place it in the bin folder. By default it will expect a user “minecraft” with group “minecraft” on the system and create everything related to multicraft in a folder “multicraft” under this users home. All of these paths can be changed in the “multicraft. conf” file.

Is MultiCraft the same as Minecraft?

Multicraft is a great clone of Minecraft and focuses on the same kind of game mechanics as the latter. You can play the game either in Creative mode or in Survival mode.

Do you have to pay for MultiCraft?

There are no recurring costs.

What is MultiCraft panel?

Multicraft is a Minecraft server control panel that allows users to manage multiple servers using a single web based user interface. These servers can be on multiple physical or virtual machines depending on the edition.

How do I edit MultiCraft conf?

Simply select the configuration file you wish to edit and make any required changes. Click “Save” to commit your changes to the server. It is always recommended to restart the server after any changes to configurations have been made.

Is MultiCraft any good?

Multicraft makes it really easy to manage multiple servers from a single control panel. Multicraft is an excellent choice for anyone serious about running a Minecraft server. I highly recommend it.