How do I set up home office for ergonomics?

Choose a work surface that offers plenty of space for your knees, thighs, and feet. Try not to sit directly in front of drawers or cabinets. They can keep you from getting as close to your computer as you should. If you need a higher surface, use sturdy boards, bricks, or blocks to prop up your desk or table legs.

What is the ideal desk setup?

What are the top five things the perfect desk setup should have? Ideally, you should have a posture-improving chair, a modular desk, a monitor or laptop with a stand at the perfect angle, a keyboard and mouse, and great lighting to make your workspace feel more bright and cheerful.

How do you set up an ergonomic workstation?

Apply the same principles to your stand-up workstation.

  1. Making the desk tall enough for your arms to rest comfortably at your sides.
  2. Raising your monitor to eye level.
  3. Positioning your keyboard and mouse as close as you can while maintaining a neutral position in your hands and wrists.
  4. Moving around at least once an hour.

Where should a keyboard be placed on a desk?

Place the mouse and keyboard close to the front of the desk. Place the mouse and keyboard so that you don’t need to stretch to use them. The keyboard should be around 5 cm from the front edge of the desk, and the mouse roughly in line with the keyboard. You need to leave enough room to support the wrists.

Should I use armrests while typing?

Don’t use wrist rests or armrests while typing-only while resting. If your workstation has wrist rests or armrests, be sure to use them only while taking breaks. Never use wrist rests or armrests while typing. A wrist rest should be used to rest the heel of your palm, not your wrist itself.

Where should I place my mouse and keyboard?

Have your mouse, keyboard and screen positioned in front of you.

  • Position the mouse and keyboard at about elbow height.
  • Place the mouse and keyboard close to the front of the desk.
  • Rest your hands and wrists when not typing.
  • If you use a keyboard tray, use a suitable one.
  • Avoid using a laptop keyboard and trackpad.