How do I set the timing on my outboard motor without timing light?

How to Set Timing Without a Timing Light Step BY Step Guide

  1. Step 1: Get a vacuum pressure, dwell, and RPM (revolutions per minute)
  2. Step 2: Loosen the bolt that holds the engine’s distributor.
  3. Step 3: Rotate the distributor slowly.
  4. Step 4: Adjust the carburetor.

How do you adjust the idle on a Yamaha 40hp?

Turn the idle speed screw on the throttle linkage to set the motor’s idle at between 650 rpm and 700 rpm. Put the motor into “Forward” gear and turn the mixture screw clockwise until the engine starts to bog down and misfire. Back the screw out 1/4 turn, or more if necessary.

How do you adjust throttle control on a boat?

Throttle Adjustment

  1. Loosen the throttle cable adjuster jam-nut with the wrenches.
  2. Push the control lever forward to the “Forward idle” position.
  3. Pull the control lever back, through neutral, into the reverse idle position.
  4. Push the throttle to the “Full forward” position.

What is throttle friction adjustment?

Adjust the throttle friction with the adjustment screw that’s typically below the throttle on the tiller. Set it until you feel a slight drag on the handle when accelerating or decelerating. Clockwise increases friction, and counterclockwise decreases it.

Why is my outboard idling high?

High idles are caused primarily by too much air entering the engine after the intake. This extra air leans out the air to fuel ratio but raises the idle anywhere from 100 to 500 RPM based on the amount of air.

How do you adjust the idle on a 40 HP Mariner?

Insert a screwdriver into the Mercury’s idle adjustment screw, located at the bottom of the carburetor, and turn it to the left until the motor barely continues to run. Insert the screwdriver into the valve screw and turn it in 1/8-turn increments to the right until the motor idles evenly and smooth.