How do I set the classpath in Java?


  1. Select Start.
  2. Go to the Control Panel.
  3. Select System and Security.
  4. Select Advanced System settings.
  5. Click on Environment Variables.
  6. Click on New under System Variables.
  7. Add CLASSPATH as variable name and path of files as a variable value.
  8. Select OK.

How do I permanently set classpath in Linux?

CLASSPATH (for macOS/Ubuntu)

  1. To set the CLASSPATH for the current session, issue this command: export CLASSPATH=.:/usr/local/tomcat/bin/servlet-api.jar.
  2. To set the CLASSPATH permanently, place the above export command in the bash shell initialization script ( .

How do I find the classpath in UNIX?

By using the export command over here, we can set the class path for Java in a Linux or UNIX environment directly from the command prompt. Now when we check for the class path, you will see that we have successfully set the classpath in Linux, and that the classpath value is displayed on the screen here.

What is classpath Linux?

In fact, CLASSPATH is an environment variable that is used by Java Virtual Machine to locate user-defined classes. As I said In this tutorial we will see How to set up the classpath for java in windows and Linux, java -classpath example in different scenarios, and the use of java -classpath or java -cp.

How do I permanently set my classpath?

To set the CLASSPATH permanently, set an environment variable:

  1. On the Windows Control Panel, click System.
  2. Click Advanced or Advanced Systems Settings.
  3. Click Environment Variables.
  4. Under User variables, click New.
  5. In the Variable name box, type CLASSPATH .
  6. In the Variable value box, type the path to the Vertica JDBC .

How do I find my Java CLASSPATH?

Right click on My Computer and go to properties (or) Press Windows + Pause to open up System Properties. Now traverse to Advanced Tab and click on “Environment Variable”. In order to check the classpath which is set, type echo %CLASSPATH% in command prompt, it will display the CLASSPATH which is set.