How do I set Memsize in SAS?

proc options option=memsize; run; Setting MEMSIZE to 0 is used as a test that can determine a good value to set for MEMSIZE. To determine the optimal setting of MEMSIZE, execute a SAS procedure or DATA step with the FULLSTIMER option and MEMSIZE set to 0.

How do you increase Memsize in SAS EG?

1 Answer

  1. When running: sas.exe -memsize 4G.
  2. Or by putting -memsize 4G in your sasv9. cfg (there’s a complicated search algorithm for sasv9. cfg files, but you can put one in the directory you invoke SAS from).

What is Memsize?

The MEMSIZE= system option specifies a limit on the total amount of memory the SAS System uses at any one time. The operating system may use additional amounts of memory. A value of 0 or MIN indicates that there is no limit. Too low a value will result in out-of-memory conditions.

Where is the SAS configuration file?

The default configuration location is c:\program files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\nls\en\sasv9. cfg. SAS requires a configuration file, so you must use a SAS configuration file regardless of whether you are using interactive or batch mode.

How much memory does SAS use?

SAS recommends that you allocate at least 16 GB of RAM, or 4 GB for each CPU core. This category consists of components that are required for a full deployment, as well as services that support specific SAS products.

What is SAS configuration file?

A configuration file contains SAS system options that are set automatically when you invoke SAS. SAS uses two types of configuration files: the system configuration file, which is used by all users at your site by default. Your on-site SAS support personnel maintain the system configuration file for your site.

How do I run an Autoexec in SAS?

Setting up a project-specific autoexec

  1. From the top Menu bar: Tools -> Options ->General.
  2. Select the checkbox for Automatically run “Autoexec” process flow when project opens.
  3. Click OK button to save and close the Options window.

Does SAS use RAM?

For the most part, memory is allocated as needed during the running step, then released when the step is complete. Some SAS procedures can use a lot of memory during the course of their work, and you can run out of memory when working with large data or data sets with large cardinality.

Does SAS use GPU?

RNN on GPUs The SAS Deep Learning implementation of RNN models supports GPU acceleration for most RNN tasks, with the exception of text generation. The SAS Deep Learning tools for GPU-based RNN supports a subset of the features and options of the CPU-based implementation.

Where is SAS config file located?

What is SAS Autoexec?

The autoexec file contains SAS statements that are executed automatically when you invoke SAS or when you start another SAS process. The autoexec file can contain any SAS statements. For example, your autoexec file can contain LIBNAME statements for SAS libraries that you access routinely in SAS sessions.