How do I run ZoneMinder?

Easy Way: Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Step 1: Either run commands in this install using sudo or use the below to become root.
  2. Step 2: Update Repos.
  3. Step 3: Configure MySQL.
  4. Step 4: Install ZoneMinder.
  5. Step 5: Configure the ZoneMinder Database.
  6. Step 6: Set permissions.
  7. Step 7: Configure Apache correctly:
  8. Step 8: Enable and start Zoneminder.

How much RAM do I need for ZoneMinder?

ZoneMinder also shows average load on the top right corner of the Web Console for easy access. Around 700MB of memory. So if you have 2GB of memory, you should be all set.

What port does Zoneminder use?

The default port is 80, so open a Web browser to the camera’s hostname or IP address. The default login is admin with no password.

How do I cancel my Zoneminder service?

1 Answer

  1. Keep the default zone apache. conf without the ScriptAlias.
  2. Stop both zoneminder and apache2. sudo service apache2 stop sudo service zoneminder stop.
  3. Remove any stale sockets from /tmp/zm (default location). sudo rm -vf /tmp/zm/*.*
  4. Enable cgi in apache. sudo a2enmod cgi.
  5. Start zoneminder.
  6. Start apache2.

What is Mocord in ZoneMinder?

Mocord – The monitor will be continuously recorded, with any motion being highlighted within those events. Nodect – or No DEteCTtion. This is a special mode designed to be used with external triggers. In Nodect no motion detection takes place but events are recorded if external triggers require it.

How do I reset my ZoneMinder password?

  1. login to mysql, navigate to your Zoneminder db.
  2. mysql> update Users set Password=”” where Username=”admin”;

How do I change my Zoneminder password?

What is zonezoneminder?

ZoneMinder is a full-featured, open source, state-of-the-art video surveillance software system. Monitor your home, office, or wherever you want. Using off the shelf hardware with any camera, you can design a system as large or as small as you need.

How do I install ZoneMinder on Debian?

Bill Bunge maintains an updated Debian installation wiki which makes it very easy to install ZoneMinder on Debian. ZoneMinder is available just by typing emerge zoneminder. Thanks to the Gentoo web-apps team for making this available.

What cameras can I use with ZoneMinder?

IP Network Cameras. Most modern IP cameras are ONVIF compliant, which means most modern IP Camera should work with ZoneMinder. There are some caveats to this general rule. Cameras which (only) send an encrypted stream will not work with any third party recording software.

How do I get ZoneMinder on Gentoo?

ZoneMinder is available just by typing emerge zoneminder. Thanks to the Gentoo web-apps team for making this available. If you can’t use a package, or maybe you just prefer to build everything on your own, ZoneMinder uses the cmake system to build from source.