How do I run a NUnit test from the command line?


  1. Open the cmd prompt as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the location of the \bin\Debug folder using the CD command.
  3. Call the NUnit 2.6.4 Test Runner .exe. Default: “C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.4\bin\nunit-console.exe.
  4. Provide name of LegiTest .dll as argument for Nunit Test Runner.
  5. Execute command.

Which attribute denotes a method is a test method?

The TestMethod attribute
Create the first test The TestMethod attribute indicates a method is a test method.

How do I run unit test from console?

run Visual Studio unit tests by using MSTest.exe, located at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe in my case. using /testcontainer:Path\To\Your\TestProjectAssembly. dll to indicate where your tests are coded. You can specify multiple ‘/testcontainer’ options if required.

What is test attribute in nunit?

The Test attribute is one way of marking a method inside a TestFixture class as a test. It is normally used for simple (non-parameterized) tests but may also be applied to parameterized tests without causing any extra test cases to be generated.

How do I open console in nunit?

Unzip the file or install the MSI and then if you would like be able to run nunit3-console from the command line, put the bin directory, containing nunit3-console.exe on your path. In your test assemblies, add a reference to nunit. framework. dll, using the copy in the subdirectory for the appropriate runtime version.

What is test attribute?

Test attributes are meta properties of Test Classes, which are taken into account during test execution. You can define the risk level and execution duration of unit tests. Use. Risk Level. The risk level ( RISK LEVEL) describes the effects that a test can have on the data security of the system.

Which of the following are test case attributes?

Test Case Attributes

  • TestCaseId – A unique identifier of the test case.
  • Test Summary – One-liner summary of the test case.
  • Description – Detailed description of the test case.
  • Prerequisite or pre-condition – A set of prerequisites that must be followed before executing the test steps.