How do I report someone in Singapore?

For emergency, please dial 999 or SMS 71999. For case of Missing Person(s), you are strongly encouraged to call “999” or visit a Neighbourhood Police Centre to make a report.

Who is Hoong Wee Teck?

Mr Hoong Wee Teck, 51, has served 27 years in the SPF. He has held various leadership appointments, including that of Deputy Commissioner (Investigations and Intelligence), Director Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Director Police Intelligence Department (PID) and Commander Bedok Police Division.

How do I contact the police in Singapore?

  2. EMERGENCY SMS71999.
  3. HOTLINE1800 255 0000.

What can you report to the police Singapore?


  • Enquiry. You can submit an enquiry related to Certificate of Clearance matters, Police matters and Traffic matters.
  • Police Report.
  • Lost Property.
  • Furnish Details of Stolen or Lost Property.
  • Certificate of Clearance.
  • Traffic Accident Report.
  • Furnish Driver Particulars.
  • Feedback on Road Users.

How do I report a public nuisance in Singapore?

Miscellaneous offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act….No Work Rule

  1. Contact the NEA Call Centre at 1800-CALL-NEA (1800 225 5632)
  2. SMS to 74688 (SGOVT) following the format: NEA[space]Feedback[space]Name (optional)
  3. Make a report using NEA’s myENV mobile application (iOS App Store/Google Play)

Is threatening someone illegal in Singapore?

Under section 3 of the POHA, a person who threatens, abuses or insults (whether by behaviour, words or other forms of communication) with the intention to cause and did cause another person harassment, alarm or distress, will be guilty of an offence.

How much does ASP earn in Singapore?

The highest salary for an Assistant Superintendent of Police in Singapore is $5,000 per month. What is the lowest salary for an Assistant Superintendent of Police in Singapore? The lowest salary for an Assistant Superintendent of Police in Singapore is $5,000 per month.

When should I call the police Singapore?

EMERGENCIES Examples: – Witnessing someone behaving suspiciously near a parked car; – Witnessing a group of people fighting; – When you spot an unattended bag on the bus, MRT or any public place; – Witnessing a hit-and-run traffic accident.

Who is bigger DSP or ASP?

ASP – Assistant Superintend of Police is the entry level posting for an IPS officer. DSP – Deputy Superintend of Police is a rank reached by police officers who join the state police cadre. Generally they join the police force as Sub Inspector, then get promoted to Inspectors and then become DSPs.. And .

Can police ask for ID Singapore?

The Police have the right to ask for your name, home address and NRIC. The Police can also question anyone when investigating a crime. You may be arrested if you do not provide this information to the Police. You may be asked to give a statement to the Police, whether or not you have been arrested.

What does Singapore Police Force do?

Singapore Police Force (SPF) The mission of the SPF is to prevent, deter and detect crime to ensure the safety and security of Singapore. This is done through its focus on the five broad areas of Police work – Frontline Policing, Counter and E-services, Investigation, Community Engagement and Public Security & Order.