How do I remove unused packages in Ubuntu?

How to Remove Unused Packages in Linux

  1. Using Deborphan. Deborphan is a command utility that allows you to find unused packages in Ubuntu/Debian systems.
  2. Using Gtkorphan. Gtkorphan is a graphical tool that allows you to select and remove unused packages from Linux.
  3. Using autoclean & autoremove.
  4. Using Rpmorphan.

What does apt Autoremove do?

apt-get autoremove The autoremove option removes packages that were automatically installed because some other package required them but, with those other packages removed, they are no longer needed. Sometimes, an upgrade will suggest that you run this command.

Can I delete cache files Ubuntu?

For the most part you can delete most anything in your home directory, programs or applications that require . cache (or other dot files such as . local ) will re-create them. Most of the time, at worst, you will lose custom configurations, but no real harm to the system.

How do I clean up Ubuntu without reinstalling?

How to Fix Broken Ubuntu 20.04 without Reinstalling It

  1. Step 1: Login from Live CD or bootable USB.
  2. Step 2: Remove the lock files.
  3. Step 3: Reconfigure dpkg.
  4. Step 4: Clean local repository.
  5. Step 5: update all the packages.
  6. Step 6: install all broken packages and dependencies.
  7. Step 7: Reboot the system.

What is Yum Autoremove?

The most recent versions of yum introduced a more convenient way to clean the system when removing a package. Instead of yum remove package use the following: yum autoremove package. Now, this option allows you to autoremove dependencies only when you really need this.

Is it safe to Autoremove?

Is autoremove safe? It’s heavy machinery so it’s only as safe as the driver… But that said, it’s hard to do permanent damage. If they are no longer required apt will know when it builds the dependencies. apt-get just inform you “Hey, you removed something that installed these packages.

Is it safe to use apt Autoremove?

So if you have removed them (you cannot remove apt and apt-utils packages though), you can still install them back before you shutdown/restart your system by apt-get install. So running apt-get autoremove is not harmful by itself but only after you…