How do I remove a caption from a figure in LaTeX?

The easiest way to eliminate the caption below a figure but simultaneously get a caption into the LoF is to give the optional argument with an empty mandatory argument to the \caption command. This would result in a stand-alone label like “Figure 1:” or similar.

How do I edit captions in LaTeX?

Using the figurename= key for the caption package (as in sepackage[figurename=Fig.]{ caption} ) you can change the figure name and this will work whether babel is used or not.

How do I caption in LaTeX?

It is always good practice to add a caption to any figure or table. Fortunately, this is very simple in LaTeX. All you need to do is use the \caption{”text”} command within the float environment.

How do I center a caption in LaTeX?

You can use \captionsetup{justification=centering} in the specific table or figure environment (after sepackage{caption} . Thanks @egreg, it worked!

How do I reduce the space between captions and figures in LaTeX?

Remove space after figure and before text

  1. \floatsep – Space between floats. \dblfloatsep for 2 column format.
  2. \intextsep – Space above and below in-line text floats.
  3. \abovecaptionskip – Space above float caption.
  4. \belowcaptionskip – Space below float caption.

How do you do Subfigures in LaTeX?

To create subfigure in latex, you can use both \begin{minipage}… \end{minipage} and \begin{subfigure}… \end{subfigure} block to insert subfigures or sub-images. Subfigurs are generally inserted horizontally in one or multiple rows.

How do you keep a figure from floating in LaTeX?

placeins provides the command \FloatBarrier to limit the floating of figures or tables. You could place such a barrier before and after a listing. afterpage allows a more clever \clearpage , putting the effect off until the page is full: \afterpage{\clearpage}

How do you center a caption in HTML?

Centering. As described above, the caption text can be centered relative to the image by setting a width the text and using align=”center” (HTML) or text-align: center (CSS) for it.

How do I reduce the space between captions and figures in Word?

To change caption line spacing

  1. Make sure the Styles Pane is visible.
  2. For any figure or table in your document, click the Caption style that appears in the left Style Area.
  3. In the Styles Pane (right side), “Caption” will now be selected in the list.
  4. Above the main text box, click the icon for the desired line spacing.

How do I reduce the space before a section in LaTeX?

To control each space individually you can simply use: \vspace{5mm} or \vspace{1em} or \vspace{1cm} to increase (to add space) and; \vspace{-5mm} or \vspace{-1em} or \vspace{-1cm} to decrease (take from the standard space). It is most suitable to control few sections of the standard space.