How do I remove a caption from a figure in LaTeX?
How do I remove a caption from a figure in LaTeX?
The easiest way to eliminate the caption below a figure but simultaneously get a caption into the LoF is to give the optional argument with an empty mandatory argument to the \caption command. This would result in a stand-alone label like “Figure 1:” or similar.
How do I edit captions in LaTeX?
Using the figurename= key for the caption package (as in sepackage[figurename=Fig.]{ caption} ) you can change the figure name and this will work whether babel is used or not.
How do I caption in LaTeX?
It is always good practice to add a caption to any figure or table. Fortunately, this is very simple in LaTeX. All you need to do is use the \caption{”text”} command within the float environment.
How do I center a caption in LaTeX?
You can use \captionsetup{justification=centering} in the specific table or figure environment (after sepackage{caption} . Thanks @egreg, it worked!
How do I reduce the space between captions and figures in LaTeX?
Remove space after figure and before text
- \floatsep – Space between floats. \dblfloatsep for 2 column format.
- \intextsep – Space above and below in-line text floats.
- \abovecaptionskip – Space above float caption.
- \belowcaptionskip – Space below float caption.
How do you do Subfigures in LaTeX?
To create subfigure in latex, you can use both \begin{minipage}… \end{minipage} and \begin{subfigure}… \end{subfigure} block to insert subfigures or sub-images. Subfigurs are generally inserted horizontally in one or multiple rows.
How do you keep a figure from floating in LaTeX?
placeins provides the command \FloatBarrier to limit the floating of figures or tables. You could place such a barrier before and after a listing. afterpage allows a more clever \clearpage , putting the effect off until the page is full: \afterpage{\clearpage}
How do you center a caption in HTML?
Centering. As described above, the caption text can be centered relative to the image by setting a width the text and using align=”center” (HTML) or text-align: center (CSS) for it.
How do I reduce the space between captions and figures in Word?
To change caption line spacing
- Make sure the Styles Pane is visible.
- For any figure or table in your document, click the Caption style that appears in the left Style Area.
- In the Styles Pane (right side), “Caption” will now be selected in the list.
- Above the main text box, click the icon for the desired line spacing.
How do I reduce the space before a section in LaTeX?
To control each space individually you can simply use: \vspace{5mm} or \vspace{1em} or \vspace{1cm} to increase (to add space) and; \vspace{-5mm} or \vspace{-1em} or \vspace{-1cm} to decrease (take from the standard space). It is most suitable to control few sections of the standard space.