How do I react on Facebook mobile app?

Go to the post or comment you want to react to. Tap and hold Like, and then choose a reaction. The most popular reactions appear below the post or comment as icons (example: ). Learn how to change or remove your reaction to a post or comment.

How do I turn on reactions on Facebook?

Click in the top right of Facebook. Click Settings & Privacy, then click Feed Preferences. Click Reaction Preferences. Next to On posts from others, click to turn on this setting.

How do you love a post on Facebook Mobile?

If you’ve logged into the Facebook app and find a post you want to acknowledge, you can easily add a Facebook reaction to it.

  1. Tap and hold your finger on the Like button. This will launch a pop-up menu.
  2. Tap on an appropriate Facebook reaction to leave it on your friend’s post.

What are the Facebook reaction buttons?

Reactions are an extension of the Like Button to give people more ways to share their reaction to a post in a quick and easy way. The collection of Reactions includes Like, Love, Care, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry.

Why can’t I use Reactions on Facebook?

It may be that Facebook has temporarily blocked you and you have to wait a few days to be able to use the application normally again. It is also possible that the person whose wall you want to like has decided to block your Likes.

Why can’t I use reactions on FB?

How do you love instead of Like on Facebook?

How can I LOVE something on Facebook?

  1. Hover your mouse pointer (don’t click yet) over the Like button for the post you would like to add an emoji to. A pop up box displays with the new choices (see above picture).
  2. To indicate you LOVE the post, click the Heart icon.

How do you put a heart instead of a Like on Facebook?

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  1. Open Facebook.
  2. Find the post or comment you want to heart.
  3. Hover over (desktop) or hold down (mobile) the Like button.
  4. Select the heart emoji.

Why can’t I react to posts on Facebook app?

In simpler terms, overusing the like/react feature marks your activity as suspicious and Facebook will block you from using this feature temporarily. Usually, this restriction lasts around 24-48 hours after which you will be able to use the reactions feature on Facebook posts without any further issues.

Can’t use reactions right now?