How do I progress monitor with AIMSweb?

To view the Progress Monitoring Improvement Report (graph), log in to AIMSweb, and click on the “Progress Monitor” tab. Then click on “Schedules” on the left side of the screen (if your caseload doesn’t automatically appear).

Is AIMSweb a progress monitoring tool?

Aimsweb assesses students in Kindergarten through Grade 12. Tier 1 – Assess all students three times per year for universal screening (early identification), general education progress monitoring, and AYP accountability.

What are the steps for progress monitoring?

Progress Monitoring through Formative Assessment: 7 Steps

  1. Establish Goals and Objectives for the Year.
  2. Make Data Decisions.
  3. Develop Tools and a Schedule for Gathering Data.
  4. Represent Data Visually.
  5. Evaluate and Analyze the Data.
  6. Make Adjustments.
  7. Communicate Progress.

How do you set goals in aimswebPlus?

In Monitor: Click the status icon (similar to this ). Within the popup, click Adjust Plan. In Survey Level Assessment: Click the icon or the status icon. When you are creating or editing a goal, select Goal from the Student menu.

Is AIMSweb a CBM?

AIMSweb’s Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) tests typically are based on these rich tasks that are validated as “vital signs” or “indicators” of general basic skill outcomes like general reading ability or writing ability.

Is AIMSweb a formative or summative assessment?

formative assessment
Note: AIMSweb probes can also be used as a formative assessment.

What kind of testing is AIMSweb?

aimswebPlus™ is an online assessment, data management, and reporting system that provides national and local performance and growth norms for the screening and progress monitoring of math and reading skills for all students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 (Users can roster Pre-K and High school (9-12) and test off …

Is AIMSweb a universal screener?

AIMSweb is designed for universal screening and progress monitoring to identify struggling students early and to monitor student acquisition of foundational academic skills.