How do I program my bell bike computer?

Bell Bike Computer Instructions

  1. Place one end of a measuring tape at the top edge of one of the bicycle’s wheels.
  2. Press the button on the right side of the bike computer repeatedly to set the appropriate wheel factor.
  3. Press the right button to set the computer to display distances in kilometers or miles, as desired.

Are Wired bike computers better than wireless?

Wired cycle computers only have one battery to run down, but make your bike look untidy and the wires can get damaged. Wireless bike computers need a battery in the transmitter as well as the head unit, but are tidier and have no wires to snag.

How do wireless bike odometers work?

They work by counting wheel revolutions via a small magnet attached to the wheel. The data from the wheel are transferred to a small computer attached to the bike’s handlebars where they are displayed on a small screen.

How do I reset the distance on my Bell Dashboard 150?

Instructions say to press and hold both the left and right buttons for 3 seconds. This does reset my trip meter and time, but it also resets everything else, such as the wheel value, KM/M selection and 24 hour clock option.

Is it worth getting a bike computer?

Stan Purdum replies: The short answer is “Yes,” but since there are two classes of bike computers, the longer answer is “It depends on what you want to know about your ride.” Bike computers can be classed as “basic” and “advanced,” though they aren’t usually identified by that terminology.

Do I need cadence on my bike computer?

It depends on the unit. Cadence is good to have, if you want to do any sort of training, but cadence is often poorly implemented. In fact, I’m not aware of ANY good computers with cadence at present. The old Cateye Micro was excellent, but it’s not been available for 15 years or so.

How accurate are stationary bikes distance?

In theory, determining the distance on a bike is a straightforward calculation. Just multiply the tire’s circumference by the number of revolutions. As long as the bike’s electronics are working properly, most machines are accurate when performing a simple distance measurement, and this includes stationary bicycles.

Do bike computers need sensors?

Most bike computers use a magnet and a sensor to time how long it takes for your wheel to rotate. It can then use the size of your tire to calculate statistics like your current speed, distance traveled, and average speed.

Can you put a bike computer on the rear wheel?

Yes you can, although my suggestion is buying another cycle computer rather than trying to re-fit an existing cycle computer as you appear to be asking for. I’ve always used a cadence cycle computer. The Cateye Strada wired cycle computer connects to the crank arm and the rear wheel.