How do I process a refund in Amadeus?

To initiate an automated refund with ATC by e-ticket number and to display the refund record, enter:

  1. TRF172-9876543210/ATC.
  2. Automated refund with ATC by FA/FH element.
  3. Automated refund with ATC from the query report.
  4. Initiating an Automated Refund with ATC.

How do I get a refund on my full ticket?

Steps to request for a refund

  1. Enter PNR details. Enter your PNR/Booking reference number and Email ID/Last name.
  2. Select ‘Cancel Booking’ Choose Cancel Booking option and proceed.
  3. Choose your preferred refund method. Select from the options and click on ‘Cancel Booking’.
  4. Review your details.

What is ATC refund in Amadeus?

Amadeus Ticket Changer (ATC) Refund is part of the ATC suite. A refund follows the same process as a ticket re-issue. ATC Refund calculates the refund amount based on ATPCO Rule Category 33, Voluntary Refunds. ATC Refund is integrated into the existing Auto Refund solution.

How is partial refund calculated in Amadeus?

Customer Action

  1. Display the ticket number with the fare element : RTF (partial display ticket element with fare elements)
  2. Enter TRF/Lxx (L for line and xx for the line number) to start the refund request.
  3. Enter TRFU/CPxx partial refund entry follow by the cancellation penalty (CP), where xx is the penalty amount:

How do I refund EMD on Amadeus?

You can refund EMDs in the same way you refund e-tickets. You process an EMD refund: From the query report by entering the sequence number. From the PNR by entering the line number of the FA/FHD element that contains the EMD document number.

What is an EMD refund?

The passenger who bought refundable ancillaries (or seats) during booking process will be able to get refund during the cancellation process.

What does it mean 100% cancellation fee?

A cancellation fee is a sum of money you must pay if you cancel a hotel reservation after the cancellation deadline.

What is an ATR refund?

If you are on a DOR payment plan, the Automatic Taxpayer Refund (ATR) will be applied to the balance due. You will receive a letter from DOR with more information. This letter may arrive after you receive your refund. You should continue to make your regular payments according to your payment plan agreement.

What is ATC refund?

It is the policy of ATC to refund 100% of tuition and refundable fees for students withdrawing from a course by the end of the third day of the term. After the third day of the term, a student will not receive a tuition refund.

How do I issue MCO in Amadeus?


  1. Add form of payment information into PNR.
  2. Enter the commission.
  3. Issue the MCO, enter:
  4. Ignore and retrieve the PNR.
  5. Enter the Commission (FM) for the new ticket.
  6. Enter the Received From (RF) element.
  7. Print a new ticket using the exchange format.