How do I prepare for PEBC evaluation?

Preparing for the Pharmacist Qualifying Examination

  1. Ethical, Legal and Professional Responsibilities.
  2. Patient Care.
  3. Product Distribution.
  4. Practice Setting.
  5. Health Promotion.
  6. Knowledge and Research Application.
  7. Communication and Education.
  8. Intra and Inter-Professional Collaboration.

Is PEBC evaluating exam hard?

Second purpose of this topic is to raise voice and persuade PEBC not to make this exam so much difficult that 80 to 90 % candidates are unable to pass this exam, with loss of money as well as hurting their motivation in the initial and first stage of their immigration to Canada, specially when they are in great need of …

How many questions are there in PEBC evaluating exam?

What is the format of the exam? The number of questions will remain the same, as each version of the exam will have 150 scored questions and 50 unscored (pretest) questions.

How do I prepare for PEBC EE?

PEBC Exam Preparation

  1. Read the thoroughly – it sets out the rules you need to follow to complete the exam.
  2. Buy the latest version of CPR (comprehensive Pharmacy review), see the image to the right.
  3. The PEBC does not intend to test you on your ability to regurgitate facts but how you can problem-solve.

How do I study for pharmacy at OSCE?

Preparing for an OSCE – 5 tips to help you face your fears

  1. Learn from previous OSCEs – but don’t let them define your next one. Always remember:
  2. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.
  3. Believe you are a healthcare professional.
  4. Use the reading time before each station.
  5. Watch OSCE videos on YouTube.

How long is PEBC valid?

five years
The PEBC Document Evaluation results are valid for five years from the date on the results letter. This means that you must successfully complete the Evaluating Examination while the document evaluation results are still valid.

What score do you need to pass PEBC?

Scoring and Pass Standing If you achieve at least 60% of the total possible score (200), you will be awarded pass standing.

Can I give PEBC exam from India?

PEBC exam centers in India: Candidates can take the exam on scheduled date at home by remote proctoring or at the Prometric test center.

How can I practice OSCE alone?