How do I pass my A&P license?

Per the FAA, to pass a written test, you must answer at least 70% of the questions correctly³. To pass the oral examination, you must correctly answer three out of the four questions correctly to pass. Practical examinations are based on your demonstrated proficiency as observed by an FAA Designated Mechanic Examiner4.

How hard is the Airframe and powerplant test?

The three test, (General, Airframe and Powerplant) are multiple-choice type. The minimum passing score is 70 percent on each of the 3 test. The General test contains 60 questions, and the Airframe and Aviation Powerplant tests contain 100 questions each.

How many times can you take the A&P test?

You only have to take the General test one time. If you get your Airframe now and later add your Powerplant, you do not have to retake the General written test.

How much does the A&P test cost?

This test fee averages $150 per test for the General, the Airframe and the Powerplant. Each test will cost $ 150 USD at the certificated testing facility of your choice.

Do A&P Tickets expire?

Your A&P license will never expire, and is required to work on, maintain, and repair aircraft!

How long are A&P tickets good for?

Your experience doesn’t expire as long as you have the evidence to back it up. The moment you start testing, you will have 24 months to complete all testing. If the 24 months are superseded, you must retest all written exams again. The applicants 8610-2 never expires, just the exams.

Is an A&P license worth it?

Because A&P Mechanics are in such high demand and have such an important role in the aviation industry, they actually make really good money. According to, the average salary of an A&P Mechanic working on jets is $87,000 a year.

How much do UPS airplane mechanics make?

How much does a Aircraft Mechanic at UPS make? The typical UPS Aircraft Mechanic salary is $71,400 per year. Aircraft Mechanic salaries at UPS can range from $58,300 – $158,571 per year.

HOW DO YOU KEEP A&P current?

To maintain currency, an A&P must have been working actively as a mechanic or supervised other mechanics for a six-month period in the previous 24 months. To regain currency, the mechanic must work under another mechanic’s supervision for those six months. The FAA has defined “active” as full-time work.

Can I get my A&P license in the Air Force?

Active duty, Reserve and Guard members in any 2AXXX career field with 30 months of documented practical experience who have been upgraded to the five skill level and have four years of time in service can enroll in the Air Force A&P Certification Program through the Community College of the Air Force.

Are A&P mechanics happy?

As it turns out, aircraft mechanics rate their career happiness 3.0 out of 5 stars which puts them in the bottom 29% of careers.