How do I pass a 4G welding test?

My best advise for this 4g Stick welding test

  1. clean mill scale with a sander or grinder about 1/2″ away from the bevel.
  2. take care to have an even and full 1/4″ gap.
  3. set amperage to a setting that allows you to hold a very tight arc without sticking the rod.
  4. hold a tight arc and use a very slight drag angle.

Can you structural weld with flux core?

Flux-Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) is Jolson’s process of choice. There are structural steel welders who still rely on the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW, or Stick) process due to familiarity; however, Flux-Cored welding offers a number of advantages in terms of quality and productivity.

What is a 4G weld test?

A 4G weld test is a type of welding test that enables welders to obtain certification. What 4G weld in general covers is the position of which the welders can perform his welding services and get the job done.

What is the difference between SMAW and FCAW?

Shielded Metal-Arc Welding (SMAW) or Stick Welding is a manual welding process that is very similar to FCAW – the main difference being that the entire electrode is coated with an inert gas (flux) in SMAW whereas in FCAW the flux is only at the core of the electrode.

Can you weld downhill with flux core?

Flux core is usually used for it’s high deposition rates in thicker material. Welding downhill, one must speed up the downhill progression so the flux can freeze and allow the metal to stay contained. This applies to both stainless and carbon steel flux core.

How hard is overhead welding?

Vertical and overhead welding are inherently more difficult than in-position welding because you’re working against gravity. The liquid weld pool has a natural tendency to sag or drip, which makes it harder to produce quality welds.

Can flux core be used for structural steel?

Flux-cored wire is being developed and manufactured to achieve mechanical and weld properties required by a particular industry, such as structural steel. Both gas-shielded and self-shielded wires are engineered to provide weld stability, which helps the welder meet requirements.