How do I manage connectors in Visio?

Connectors are used to connect shapes in Visio….

  1. Select the connectors.
  2. On the Developer tab, in the Shape Design group, click on Behavior .
  3. In the Behavior settings window that opens, go to the Connector tab.
  4. In the Line jumps section, choose your preferred Line jump style from the drop down list of options.

How do you format connectors?

Format a connector Select Home > More. Select a connector. From the Quick Styles menu, select Line and then format what you want: Select Color and choose a color for your line.

How do you stop connectors moving in Visio?

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  1. Please back up the Visio file first, then open it.
  2. Go to File>Options to clear the Enable AutoConnect checkbox.
  3. Then go to View, click on dialog launcher of Visual Aids.
  4. On the General tab, clear the Snap and Glue checkboxes.
  5. Close and re-open the file to check this issue.

How do I add connector points to a shape in Visio?

If connection points are not visible, on the View tab, in the Visual Aids group, select the Connection Points checkbox. Press Ctrl and click where you want to add a connection point. The new connection point is automatically selected after you place it.

How do I add a right angle connector in Visio?

Click the “Pointer Tool” on the toolbar and highlight the connector line. Press Shift and drag the mid-point handle of the connector line up or down. This will add corners at 90 degree angles to the line with control handles that can be used to manipulate the line further.

How do I stop Visio from auto connecting shapes?

Turn AutoConnect on or off

  1. Click the File tab, and then click Options.
  2. In Visio Options, click Advanced.
  3. Under Editing options, select Enable AutoConnect to activate AutoConnect. Or clear that check box to deactivate AutoConnect.
  4. Click OK.

What three actions can the connector shape perform?


  • Gateways. Authentication.
  • Flow and Integration.