How do I make Ubuntu run smoother?

Tips to make Ubuntu faster:

  1. Reduce the default grub load time:
  2. Manage startup applications:
  3. Install preload to speed up application load time:
  4. Choose the best mirror for software updates:
  5. Use apt-fast instead of apt-get for a speedy update:
  6. Remove language-related ign from apt update:
  7. Reduce overheating:

How can I make Ubuntu 20.04 boot faster?

7 Ways to Speed up Ubuntu

  1. Clean unused temp and log files with BleachBit.
  2. Speed up boot time by decreasing Grub timeout.
  3. Reduce application startup time with Preload.
  4. Remove useless stuff from AutoStart.
  5. Improve speed with zRam.
  6. Prioritize your apps with Ananicy.
  7. Use a Different Desktop Environment.

How do I make Ubuntu more lightweight?

4 Answers

  1. Disable or Uninstall Extensions.
  2. Turn Off Search Sources.
  3. Disable File Indexing.
  4. Turn Off Animations.
  5. Install Lighter Alternative Apps.
  6. Limit Startup Applications.

Why is Ubuntu 18.04 so slow?

Over time however, your Ubuntu 18.04 installation can become more sluggish. This can be due to small amounts of free disk space or possible low virtual memory due to the number of programs you’ve downloaded.

Can Ubuntu run on 2Gb RAM?

Yes, with no issues at all. Ubuntu is quite a light operating system and 2gb will be enough for it to run smoothly. You can easily allot 512 MBS among this 2Gb RAM for ubuntu’s processing.

What are the disadvantages of Ubuntu?


  • Users need to be tech-savvy in order to use Ubuntu.
  • The other drawback with Ubuntu is that the support for some of the hardware components and software applications does not match the standard provided by Windows.
  • Ubuntu also does not support some of the popular software like Photoshop or MS office.

Is Ubuntu better for gaming?

No it is not good for gaming. Very few games are available for linux operating system (ex- Ubuntu). Games available in Ubuntu Software Center has very basic graphics.