How do I make my screen fit my monitor Windows 8?

With the help of your mouse, you can click and hold the bar to drag it up and down.

  1. Sliding the bar up will make the screen larger, and down will make it smaller.
  2. Choose the size of your preference.

Why is my display not filling the screen?

Your full screen issue has something to do with your graphics card. If your graphics card driver is missing or outdated, your monitor may not display full screen. To rule it out the cause for your issue, you should update your video card driver to the latest version.

Why is my screen not showing full size?

To do so, right click on the desktop and select the “Customize” option. There, click on “Screen Settings”, then scroll the entire resolution bar to the right and press “OK” to confirm your choice. This should restore the screen to its correct size.

Why is my computer screen stretched out Windows 8?

Launch the Screen Resolution utility by right-clicking an empty spot on the Desktop and then clicking “Screen Resolution.” You can also run Screen Resolution from the Apps screen or Start button by launching the Control Panel and selecting “Adjust screen resolution” under the Appearance and Personalization section.

How do I change my screen to full screen?

How to move a Full-Screen Game to the Second Monitor?

  1. Connect the second monitor to your PC, and launch the game you wish to play.
  2. Next, navigate to your desktop screen, and hit Windows and P keys together.
  3. A few options will display, select the PC screen only option.

How do I make my computer full screen without F11?

Hold down the Ctrl key (or the Command key on a Mac) and press the plus or minus keys on the keyboard to zoom in and out, respectively.

How do you fix a stretched window screen?

Solution 1. Check Display Settings

  1. Go to the Desktop and make a right-click on the screen and select Display Settings.
  2. The Settings will now launch.
  3. Go to Settings by typing it in the Search bar or looking for it in the Start menu.
  4. Move the slider under Change the size of text, apps, and other items: 100% (Recommended).

Why is my computer screen so stretched out?

The cause of the stretched display problem can be either the faulty configuration of screen resolution usually caused by some random key hits or the use of some faulty graphics drivers.