How do I make an appointment at the Mexican Consulate in Indianapolis?
How do I make an appointment at the Mexican Consulate in Indianapolis?
For more information, call the Mexican Consulate in Indianapolis at (317) 761-7600 or visit its website at To schedule an appointment, call (877) 639-4835.
How do I renew my Mexican passport in Indiana?
You will have to go into a Mexican consulate with your old passport and required documents in order to renew your Mexican passport. It is important that you do not allow your Mexican passport to expire as you will then have to apply for a Mexican passport as a first time applicant.
How do I make an appointment with consulado Mexicano?
Schedule an appointment for “Menaje de Casa” through MiConsulado 1-424-309-0009 or online through (we recommend you use a laptop or desktop, not mobile devices). The day of your appointment you must appear before this Mexican Consulate with all the requirements.
How do I book a Mexican visa appointment?
To book an appointment, first log in to the Mexitel portal with your account details. You will then arrive at a page that requires details of your chosen consulate, type of procedure (e.g. visa) and personal information. Click on SCHEDULE and a form with various steps will open.
How do I renew my Mexican passport in Mexico?
For a passport renewal, an applicant must visit a regional office of the ministry or one of its liaison offices, complete the OP -5 form and present an official photo identification card, two colour passport photographs and proof of payment of fees (Mexico n.d. e).
How long does it take to get a Mexican passport in the US?
THE DELIVERY TIME OF PASSPORTS IS APPROXIMATELY EIGHT WEEKS. *If the applicant presents a delayed birth certificate, complementary documents will be requested **May vary depending on the exchange rate of the day, no other currencies are accepted.
Why are U.S. consulates still closed?
The coronavirus pandemic led to the suspension of U.S. visa services around the world. As restrictions start to ease, most U.S. embassies and consulates have resumed certain immigrant and nonimmigrant visa appointments.
How do you get dual citizenship in the US and Mexico?
You will need to apply for Mexican Citizenship by birth ,complete a ‘Solicitud de certificado de Nacionalidad Mexicana DNN-1’ and provide the following required documents: An original and 2 photocopies of: Your birth certificate and the birth certificate of your Mexican parent.